Texas too much for Penn State in NCAA Tournament https://www.abc27.com/sports/local-sports/texas-too-much-for-penn-state-in-ncaa-tournament-round-of-32/ #NCAAMen'sBasketball #PennStateUniversity #DesMoinesRegional #UniversityofTexas #NationalSports #NcaaTournam...
#ncaamen #pennstateuniversity #desmoinesregional #universityoftexas #nationalsports #ncaatournam
#SynBio #SynBioAustralia #CoESB2022 #CSIRO
Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology conference
Inspirational and inspired keynote presentation by Howard Salis, #PennStateUniversity, that moved from reliable, systematic design of organisms (so cool) to saving the planet from CO2 with Picochlorum celeri (even cooler). Yes, take the pun and run with it.
#pennstateuniversity #CSIRO #coesb2022 #synbioaustralia #synbio