So all quiet on the Salah saga this morning. Hey, Mo news is good news hey guys.....guys???
Woah tough crowd......
#lfc #pennypinchinsaudis #remyabbas
@johnnyM Yeah but I kinda thought due to our owners being as tight as a ducks arse, all clubs including the State owned, moneys no problem FFP dodging twts must surely do business as we do or do you think I'm being naive?
#lfc #mosalah #saudi #pennypinchinsaudis #onefantryintorampuptheprice
I had to pop back in and say this, I'd forget in 2 mins........ What if the Saudi lot don't really want him this year????? Maybe this is just a ploy to distract the player, our best player, he don't play well, ergo we have a poor season and then he goes on the cheap next summer........ TADA pick the bones outta that1....
#lfc #mosalah #saudi #pennypinchinsaudis #tinfoilhat