In case you missed it, I collaborated with @penpot to bring you a 1h introduction on how and where designers can have the biggest impact on Accessibility within a product:
I also created a template that you can find in the library, to help you document accessibility, with ready to use documentation components:
#accessibility #opensourcedesign #penpot
Good news, everyone! Penpot Desktop is now on Flathub!
#linux #flathub #penpot
Plus je prends la main sur #Penpot, plus je refais tout parce que j'ai compris une nouvelle manière plus robuste de faire les choses. C'est cool mais c'est chiant un peu parce que je bosse 2 fois sur tout :D
Ideally, this would complement Component-Driven-Design tools, such as #PenPot. Designers build a UI as HTML Components whose names match the Resources; and RAD zips them together.
Maybe I'll hack out a proof-of-concept in Ruby or Deno or Elixir someday.
I have been using penpot for a few days now, except for a few slightly quirky things and a couple's really quite impressive.
My only feedback is:
1. I wish they had a dedicated line tool
2. Made it possible to move elements while displaying distances.
3. Holding shift while moving gradient angle locks to 45/90 degrees
So I just discovered #penpot...for some reason its not a product that comes up when searching open-source design tools. Most articles mention GIMP or other lesser breeds. far I love it!
I've been trying out Penpot as a replacement for Figma. It's very impressive, even has features that are better than in Figma, but all the interactions feel very clunky and slow. This is where Figma's decision to use Web Assembly really pays out. In Penpot it feels like it is altering canvas CSS and DOM in real time but it's not real time at all. Maybe it isn't, but that's what it feels like. #penpot #penpotapp
Kennt wer einen guten #Blog oder #Newsletter für Tipps zum produktiven #Linux Einsatz? (Speziell im Bereich #GrafikDesign u. #Videoschnitt)
Ich nutze #TuxedoOS also #Unbuntu #KDE leider recht selten im Dualboot und warte dann lange auf installierende Updates...
kenne und nutze gerne #inkscape, #penpot und #kdenlive aber das reicht nicht, im Alltag greife ich immer wieder auf #Windows zurück (Performance, #Affinity Programme laufen auch nicht mit Wine und Bottles)
#blog #newsletter #linux #grafikdesign #videoschnitt #tuxedoos #Unbuntu #kde #inkscape #penpot #kdenlive #windows #affinity #followerpower #opensource
@nextcloud So exciting! Please consider mirroring these talks on #peertube as @penpot did with their latest #penpotfest @penpot_app
What better way to promote #decentralized platforms and #foss #floss alternatives, it seems like a perfect fit:)
#PeerTube #penpotfest #decentralized #foss #floss #penpot #FediFirst #fediverse #activitypub
Even though there is still a lot of work ahead to make it further intuitive to survive the trial by time, I enjoyed making my prototype in #Penpot. Would be a PITA in Figma.
How #Figma competitor #Penpot is championing #design #collaboration and #opensource #tools for cross-functional teams
#tools #opensource #collaboration #design #penpot #figma
Having worked in an international team I know that really good talent can be found all over the world, my wife was born in Zambia and some of the challenges that Perrie talks about in her #penpotfest talk sound very familiar to me. (Data) connectivity and money transfers are always a hassle with intermediaries charging extra fees. And it gets even worse when you try to send physical objects.
#penpotfest #penpot #Africa #remotework #internet #powercut
Finally getting around to moving a lot of older #AdobeXD files over to #Figma that I had archived. Some of these older files had a lot of hacky stuff to get around some of the early missing features (no inner shadow). I had XD during the very early beta days, so kind of sad to see it being shuttered.
Probably move them again to #Penpot eventually. 🙃
Last week I gave a talk at #penpot fest. It was an incredible event and I'm already looking forward to the next one!
Last week I gave a talk at #penpot fest. It was an incredible event and I'm already looking forward to the next one!
If you haven't already, make sure to try it out:
btw when I said at #penpotfest I was gonna use #PodmanDesktop to run #Penpot on the plane, I wasn't joking.
(Yeh, I did get the airplane wifi, but it is too unstable / crappy, so glad I have this all local with no worries.)
#penpotfest #PodmanDesktop #penpot
Another excellent #PenPot talk by #MichałMalewicz
The future of design and its multiple angles -
#opensource #foss #design #PeerTube #michalmalewicz #penpot
I'm not sure if I missed it here, but thanks to the #penpot newsletter.
Here is a link to the #PenPotFest videos playlist on #peertube ... I had no idea they even had an instance, bravo!!
#artwithopensource #mastoart #opensource #foss #design #PeerTube #penpotfest #penpot