Its another bit of classic middle-class #political bias - with a reasonable occupational #pension to add to the state one (although this is a declining situation & another aspect of the #pensions crisis), then the two together can often be (for a couple especially) pretty comfortable.
If you want to see this demographic's market power - look at Saga cruises & the range of services trying to capture the 'grey pound'.
But its one more aspect of UK's #inequality problem!
#political #pension #pensions #inequality
Meinen die mich?
War kurz am zögern, bin dann aber doch weiter.
#mdrza #fahrrad #radfahren #pension
Kann das wahr sein?
Sehenswerte Kurzvideos!
Ursula von der Leyen beweist eindrücklich, wie menschenverachtend die politische #Elite der #CDU ist.
Gregor Gysi hingegen stellt in Bezug auf #Rente #Pension und Lebensarbeitszeit genau die richtigen Fragen, bzw. gibt er die richtigen Antworten!
In den folgenden, kurzen Videos erklären uns zwei bekannte Politiker*innen, was sie jeweils zu #Rente #Pension #Beamte und #Lebensarbeitsleistung denken.
Flintenuschi beweist eindrücklich, wie menschenverachtend die politische #Elite der #CDU ist.
Gregor Gysi:
Ursula von der Leyen:
#cdu #elite #lebensarbeitsleistung #beamte #pension #rente
When you get an official looking email because you've been enrolled in the company pension programme.
#yay #pension #allthisusedtobefields
#Hyundai: 88% of 44,000 #union members approve #strike
Seek performance #pay of 30% of Hyundai's 2022 net #profit, increase of #retirement age from 60 to 64, due to life expectancy and weaker #SocialSafetyNet, such as retirement #pension.
#Hyundai #union #strike #pay #profit #retirement #socialsafetynet #pension #southkorea #capitalism #classwar #exploitation
He’s got some nerve! I truly hope the court will refuse his request, when it’s considered in four weeks time. Since his co-accused has been identified, it will not to too difficult for those who want to, to work out who he is anyway.
#pension #fraud
@NanouPepita …et cela sans augmenter d'un centime le #SMIC, les #pension et #allocations, après avoir réduit la durée d'indemnisation #chômage, tout en parlant d'augmenter la #franchise #médicale sur les boites de médocs et les consultations etc. etc. Il veut voir jusqu'où il peut malmener sa population sans qu'elle bronche !
#Smic #pension #allocations #chomage #franchise #medicale
41-årige murer Dennis Frandsen er ude af stand til at arbejde på grund af en ødelagt ryg. Han er en af de mange, der i årevis har sejlet rundt i beskæftigelsessystemet uden afklaring af sin sag. Nu står han frem i håb om at være med til at forhindre, at andre skal igennem det samme som ham.
#pension #arbejde #sundpol #dkpol #dkmedier #presse #Arbejderen
#pension #arbejde #sundpol #dkpol #dkmedier #presse #arbejderen
The cross roads between your pension or retirement funds (if you have them), the economy and climate
#economics #finance #retirement #pension #climatechange
@kbsez - I wouldn't call it that. As a member of #SagAftra and as a supporter of both the #WGA and #actor #strike I'd call it a long overdue redistribution of #wealth from those who have always sought to consolidate power and money (the studios) having their hands forced by those who simply want to earn a living wage and have a #pension for when they retire (the artists).
#sagaftra #wga #actor #strike #wealth #pension
To fund your retirement, your #pension savings need to grow. But actuaries predict #ClimateChange will almost certainly wreck pensions within a decade or two: “If funds tank, pensions fail; those without pensions will sell houses; those without houses will become destitute; businesses will not be underwritten leading to mass unemployment; those out of work will not pay tax to fund state pensions; life expectancy will plummet. The result? Societal implosion.”
De første borgere kunne få udbetalt tidlig pension fra den 1. januar 2022, og i juni 2023 fik 11.700 borgere udbetalt ydelsen. Flere end 80.000 har imidlertid søgt om retten til at gå på pension enten i en alder af 64, 65 eller 66 år.
#NEW🇫🇷🚨Les membres du Fonds de pension volontaire du #ParlementEuropéen contre-attaquent et envisagent de constituer une "class action" contre la décision de couper par deux leurs droits de #pension, coupes récemment décidées par le bureau du @Europarl_EN
#new #parlementeuropeen #pension
Ofc, the concept of #retirement on a #pension is framed by #capitalism. We labor for wages for decades and once we are too old to be “productive”, we “retire” from the workforce and derive our income not from a salary but from a #pension: capital we’ve accumulated by stashing away $ during a lifetime of work, and investing it so it grows enough to draw on for many years. This system is destroying the world, so will likely not fund most of us in old age. What can we meaningfully do instead?
#retirement #pension #capitalism
Who else is trying to think about funding #retirement in an age of #climate change, quite possibly #climate #collapse? Current #pension systems assume economic growth will continue, and most invest in #FossilFuels, #Deforestation and other things that destroy natural systems we all rely on and take for granted.
Are there enough of us unhappy with this situation that we can join together and start to put our $ towards living situations that are #sustainable into and through our old age?
#retirement #climate #collapse #pension #fossilfuels #deforestation #sustainable
Das hier ⬇️ muss doch einfach ein #deepfake sein🙃
...oder sehen wir hier nur eine ältere Aussage von Ursula von der Leyen, aka Flintenuschi, die erneut eindrücklich beweist, dass viele deutsche Beamte unter massivem Realitätsverlust leiden?
#altersarmut #pension #rente #deepfake
Petition Update:
Proposed Scottish Employment Injuries Advisory Council Bill
Yesterday, we updated you with the news that Scotland is likely to take over a form of Industrial Illness Disablement Benefit - which currently most of us are not eligible to apply for. However, the first step for the Scottish Government is to set up our own Employment Injuries Advisory Council.
#scotland #pension #compensation #LongCovid