Many factions put pressure on giant investment firms to invest one way or another. But the new push by GOP-controlled states to bar investments in "socially responsible" (climate too) "ESG"-type funds is new and makes me feel a bit spooked ...
Investors like #PensionFunds have been warned too. By those of us in the #divestment movement.
So I hope the conclusion here will be transitioning pension funds out of carbon dependent investments as soon as possible. #pensionfunds #eu #climatechange
#ClimateChange #EU #pensionFunds
So I hope the conclusion here will be transitioning pension funds out of carbon dependent investments as soon as possible. #pensionfunds #eu #climatechange
#ClimateChange #EU #pensionFunds
As #banks are better capitalized and risk managed after the #GFC (global financial crisis), #financialrisk has migrated to #NBFIs, nonbank financial institutions, #hedgefunds, #pensionfunds, #insurancefunds, and market-based funding in general with less visibility and granular data for regulators:
Linda S. Goldberg from the NY Fed 2022 gives the #IMF Mundell-Fleming Lecture: Global #Liquidity: Drivers, #Volatility and Toolkits
#volatility #liquidity #imf #insurancefunds #pensionFunds #hedgefunds #nbfis #financialrisk #gfc #banks
Oh yeah, the other thing that is rotten about #stockMarkets is they are very #growthy.
Always needs more #moneyPrinting and thus debt injected into it. To keep #pensionFunds happy.
Its a virus that is kills orders of magnitude more #biomass than #COVID19.
#superannuation #ponziScheme #fakeEconomy #makeWork #whyBitcoin
#stockmarkets #growthy #moneyPrinting #pensionFunds #biomass #COVID19 #superannuation #ponzischeme #fakeeconomy #makeWork #whyBitcoin
> I want #cash, I want something I can hold in my hands
You saw what happened to your #superannuation, right?
#passiveInvesting #pensionFunds #bankers #savings #savers #speculation #growthPonzi #zeroPercentInterest #slowTheft #moneyPrinterGoBrr #corporateRaiders #whyBitcoin #bitcoin
#cash #pensionFunds #speculation #growthPonzi #zeroPercentInterest #superannuation #passiveInvesting #bankers #savings #savers #slowTheft #moneyPrinterGoBrr #corporateraiders #whyBitcoin #bitcoin
Favourite quote of the past week(s):
"They said #Bitcoin was too volatile..."
#pumpAndDump #stockMarket #wallStreet #ponziScheme #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #passiveInvestment #forcedInvestment #smsf #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconValley #sillyconValley #google #uber #facebook #facebookCoin #libraCoin #boeing #airTravel #coronavirus #factoryFarming #justInTime #manufacturing #globalism #supplychains #labourExploitation #cheapLabour
#bitcoin #pumpAndDump #stockmarket #wallstreet #ponzischeme #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #passiveinvestment #forcedInvestment #SMSF #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconvalley #sillyconvalley #google #uber #facebook #facebookCoin #libracoin #boeing #airTravel #coronavirus #factoryFarming #justInTime #manufacturing #globalism #supplychains #labourExploitation #cheapLabour
#Bitcoin is too volatile... they said.
It's a #ponziScheme... they said.
#pumpAndDump #stockMarket #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconValley #sillyconValley
#bitcoin #ponzischeme #pumpAndDump #stockmarket #superannuation #pensionFunds #passiveInvesting #moneyPrinting #tooBigTooExist #ignorance #techUnicorns #siliconvalley #sillyconvalley