"Mr. Fillieule, the sociologist, said the French police relied heavily on force and intimidation to handle protests, rather than trying to defuse situations. He said new law enforcement tactics enacted in 2021 have 'set in stone the strategies of brutalization tested during the Yellow Vests movement.' "
French #Police Face Scrutiny for Heavy Hand During #PensionProtests
#ViolencesPolicières #BRAV #BravM #Macronie #PoliceFR #RépressionDÉtat #manifs #PolFR #64ansCEstNon
#64anscestnon #polfr #manifs #repressiondetat #policefr #macronie #bravm #brav #violencespolicieres #pensionprotests #police
Looks like #Macron badly misjudged this situation.
#macron #france #pensionprotests
Police were preparing for a massive protest in #Paris on Thursday, with shops, banks and businesses boarded up and police and gendarmes stationed along roads. Protesters have been galvanised by Macron's appearance on television on Wednesday, where he said the protests were legitimate but would not lead to a U-turn on the controversial law raising the official retirement age.
#EmmanuelMacron faces 200 protests across #France over pension changes | #PensionProtests
#pensionprotests #france #emmanuelmacron #paris
"Police in Paris have banned gatherings on the #PlaceDeLaConcorde as thousands protest against #Macron's state pension age change."
#Paris police ban gatherings on key sites as French #PensionProtests grow | #France | The Guardian
#france #pensionprotests #paris #macron #placedelaconcorde
Franse politie gebruikt traangas en waterkanonnen bij nieuw pensioenprotest
#PensionProtests #YellowVests #France
#france #yellowvests #pensionprotests
France: National pension protests to test Macron presidency
#France #EmmanuelMacron #PensionProtests #laborunions #retirement #strike
#strike #retirement #laborunions #pensionprotests #EmmanuelMacron #France