Yes, let’s make America weaker so that Russia can conquer more of Europe, amirite?!
Bernie’s a tankie and an isolationist.
#PentagonBudget #DefenseSpending #BloatedBudget #BernieSanders #MilitaryFunding #GovernmentWaste #Politics #News
#pentagonbudget #militaryfunding #defensespending #bloatedbudget #berniesanders #governmentwaste #politics #news
Dwight Was Right: Congress Must Say No to Military Contractors — The world Eisenhower warned about has materialized. We need more members of Congress to stand up to the arms industry and fight for social investments instead.
#CommonDreams #Congress #MilitaryContractors #ArmsIndustry #SocialInvestments #PentagonBudget #Politics #News
#commondreams #congress #militaryContractors #armsindustry #socialinvestments #pentagonbudget #politics #news
'Give Me a Goddamn Break': House Democrat Slams Food Aid Cuts as Pentagon Budget Soars — "I didn't come to Congress to hurt people," said Rep. Jim McGovern. "And when I listen to my Republican friends, what is clear to me is that we don't share the same values."
#CommonDreams #FoodAidCuts #PentagonBudget #HouseDemocrat #RepublicanValues #JimMcGovern #Politics #News
#commondreams #foodaidcuts #pentagonbudget #housedemocrat #republicanvalues #jimmcgovern #politics #news