#fractal #pentagram on the digital #internetOfSquares
#fractal #pentagram #internetofsquares
⛧ gothcaps // hellcap rotted mood ⛧
#photography #photo #macrophotography #artisanmacro #artisankeycap #gothcaps #satanism #pentagram #satanist #mechanicalkeyboard #keycaps #mechanicalkeycaps
#photography #photo #macrophotography #artisanmacro #artisankeycap #gothcaps #satanism #pentagram #satanist #mechanicalkeyboard #keycaps #mechanicalkeycaps
A floral pentacle for someone wanting something a little more “stealth” or fantastical.
The back is blank.
Made of solid .925 sterling silver
Pendant is one inch in diameter and 16 gauge thick, sturdy enough to last a lifetime even with rougher-than-average wear.
Upeye bail for a 3mm chain.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
#Jewelry #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #WitchJewelry #QueerArtist #Pentagram #Pentacle #Witch #Wicca #Witchcraft #Pagan #SorcerersWorkbench
#jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #witchjewelry #queerartist #pentagram #pentacle #witch #wicca #witchcraft #Pagan #sorcerersworkbench
A simple pentacle in my signature style: a woven pentagram within a circle, with a second circle woven through the five points of the pentagram to represent skill and mastery over the elements.
Available in .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (a 3:1 copper:silver alloy), yellow brass, and red bronze.
Pendant is one inch in diameter
Pendant is 16 gauge thick and heavy, designed to last a lifetime even with heavier-than-average wear.
Upeye bail is sized for a 3mm chain.
The back is blank.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
#Jewelry #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #WitchJewelry #QueerArtist #Pentagram #Pentacle #Witch #Wicca #Witchcraft #Pagan #SorcerersWorkbench
#jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #witchjewelry #queerartist #pentagram #pentacle #witch #wicca #witchcraft #Pagan #sorcerersworkbench
Nen Moment lang gedacht, der Sänger von #pentagram sei Karl Dall. 😂
#pentagram #wacken #livestream
Alte weiße Männer auf #wacken. Ich bin etwas verstört. Wer ist #pentagram? 😳 Nie von denen gehört vorher. Aber die sind wahrscheinlich voll krass drauf. Vor dem Drummer hatte ich schon mal Angst beim zusehen... Umgedrehtes Kreuz performed mit Drumsticks und so...
19th century Europeans popularized the notion that pentagrams mean something "different" based on how they are drawn, and that this difference is somehow “ethical” in nature. They insisted that one-point-up pentagrams are “upright,” representing “goodness and light,” while two-point-up pentagrams are “inverted,” representing “darkness and evil.”
The so-called “inverted” pentagram with a goat’s head goes back to the French occultist Stanislas de Guaita in 1897, and it was later adopted by Anton LaVey as the Sigil of Baphomet in 1966. This has led people to assume that any pentagram with two points up is “satanic,” which actually isn’t true by a long shot.
This symbol is held sacred and drawn differently in many traditions, and it means something unique to each one. Within the LV-426 Tradition of Setianism, we do not consider the two-point-up pentagram to be “inverted” at all. We consider it to be exactly the way it should be: right-side up. Whenever we see a pentagram displayed with only one point up, it actually looks "upside down" to us! But that’s OK, we just chalk the difference up to personal preference. A pentagram is still a pentagram, no matter which of its points are facing up or down, and since it is circular, there is really no correct “This End Up” position. Think of it as a wheel: does it really matter which direction the spokes are pointing, as long as the wheel keeps turning?
Since we LV-426ers do not agree that the "inverted" pentagram is really "inverted" at all, we recommend a somewhat different terminology. When a pentagram is displayed with one point up, we call it a "standing pentagram," because it resembles a person doing aerobics, with their arms and legs outstretched. And when a pentagram is displayed with two points up, we call it a "horned pentagram," because it resembles the head of a goat, an antelope, or some other horned member of the Artiodactyla family.
Neither the standing nor the horned pentagram represents anything “bad” or “evil,” and whether you prefer one or the other is simply a question of aesthetics. There is absolutely nothing to stop a Setian from wearing a standing pentagram if it pleases her to do so; and there are also British Traditional Witchraft covens that use horned pentagrams to represent some of their initiatory degrees. So things are not so clear-cut between the two pentagrams as certain “experts” have been insisting since the 1890s or so - and they never were.
Sometimes people ask me why I have (horned) pentagrams all over me if I do not identify as a "Satanist." I can't speak for other Setians as to why the symbol might resonate with them; but for me at least, I imagine an antelope whenever I see it myself, which always makes me think of Set in His form as the White Oryx. (I prefer my horned pentagrams to be drawn "empty," with no animals heads; you can imagine the horned animal of your preference that way.) It also reminds me of Set's Imperishable Ones, the circumpolar stars of the northern sky. I've always felt Set looking back at me whenever I look into the horned pentagram, as well. So while it is not a symbol that "belongs" just to Set, I always link it with Him first and foremost in my mind. I like to wear a horned pentagram at all times to help keep me mindful of His presence in my life, as well.
#pentagram #satanism #paganism #witchcraft #setianism #sutekh #kemetic #egyptian #occult #symbols
#pentagram #satanism #paganism #witchcraft #setianism #sutekh #Kemetic #egyptian #occult #symbols
Pulling out all the stops today for #rivertownrevival
#Petaluma #pentagram #shoelaces #adidas #hipster
#rivertownrevival #petaluma #pentagram #shoelaces #adidas #hipster
Julycanthropy 2023 #16: Sabre Man
Sabre Man. An adventurer who stole a talisman from a jungle haunted by the kleptomaniac Sabre Wulf, he was infected with lycanthropy, and the game Knight Lore dealt with his efforts to effect a cure for his condition.
#sabreman #sabre_man #sabre_wulf #sabrewulf #KnightLore #knight_lore #pentagram #acg #rare #utimateplaythegame #ultimate_play_the_game #ultimate #underwurlde #miremare #mire_mare #julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #werewolf #lycanthropy
#sabreman #sabre_man #sabre_wulf #sabrewulf #knightlore #knight_lore #pentagram #acg #rare #utimateplaythegame #ultimate_play_the_game #ultimate #underwurlde #miremare #mire_mare #julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #werewolf #lycanthropy
A floral pentacle for someone wanting something a little more “stealth” or fantastical.
The back is blank.
Made of solid .925 sterling silver
Pendant is one inch in diameter and 16 gauge thick, sturdy enough to last a lifetime even with rougher-than-average wear.
Upeye bail for a 3mm chain.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
#Jewelry #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #WitchJewelry #QueerArtist #Pentagram #Pentacle #Witch #Wicca #Witchcraft #Pagan #JewelersOfInstagram
#jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #witchjewelry #queerartist #pentagram #pentacle #witch #wicca #witchcraft #Pagan #jewelersofinstagram
A simple pentacle in my signature style: a woven pentagram within a circle, with a second circle woven through the five points of the pentagram to represent skill and mastery over the elements.
Available in .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (a 3:1 copper:silver alloy), yellow brass, and red bronze.
Pendant is one inch in diameter
Pendant is 16 gauge thick and heavy, designed to last a lifetime even with heavier-than-average wear.
Upeye bail is sized for a 3mm chain.
The back is blank.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
#Jewelry #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #WitchJewelry #QueerArtist #Pentagram #Pentacle #Witch #Wicca #Witchcraft #Pagan
#jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #witchjewelry #queerartist #pentagram #pentacle #witch #wicca #witchcraft #Pagan
“What’s your religion?”
I’m a Setian who follows the LV-426 Tradition of Setianism, which is a unique fusion of Kemetic polytheist theology with Setianized Western esoteric practices. (For more info on LV-426, visit http://desertofset.com/2020/06/15/the-lv-426-tradition/)
“What the hell does that even mean?”
I believe in many Gods and Goddesses; I am especially drawn to the ancient Egyptian pantheon; and I am specifically devoted to a God named Set. I also pray and make offerings to Set according to a unique religious tradition that some of my best friends and I developed together while we were growing up.
“Who or what is Set?”
Set is the Egyptian God of storms, deserts, and the nighttime world. His name is sometimes rendered as Seth, Setekh, Setesh, Sutekh, or even Suti, and He is also called Typhon in Greek (though He is not theologically identical to the Hellenic Titan who is also known by this name).
“Isn’t Set just the Egyptian version of Satan?”
No. Set is not a devil who rebels against His Creator; He is the Creator’s personal bodyguard, ritually defending Atum-Ra and all the rest of us from an ever-present apocalyptic threat. So while Set might seem dark and spooky, He is truly a force for good and not evil.
“It kinda looks like you worship the devil, though.”
That’s because “satanic” imagery was appropriated from various polytheist Gods, including (but not limited to) Set. This was historically done to demonize said Gods and the religions that follow Them. If it bothers anyone that my God reminds them of their “devil,” it really says more about them and their religion than it does about me or my faith.
“What about Osiris? Isn’t Set the bad guy in that story?”
Theologically speaking, Osiris can’t rise from the dead and create a happy afterlife for all good-hearted people unless He dies first; and it is part of Set’s job to make sure this happens. This is not a story of “good versus evil,” but of agricultural cycles, changes in ecosystems, the hope for better experiences after painful life transitions, etc. It is also not uncommon for Set and Osiris to be honored together at the very same shrines.
“The ancient Egyptians believed in magic; do you?”
The ancient Egyptians believed in heka or “divine speech,” which really means something more like “prayer” in general, and which potentially includes a wide variety of religious expression (discussed further below). While heka does attempt to influence events in Nature and/or human society by means we might assume to be “supernatural,” the exact same thing is true of prayer in all religions. So the way I see it, my practices are neither more nor less “magical” than those of any other faith.
“What are some of your religious practices?”
I like to pray, which I define as any heartfelt communication with a God or deceased loved one (even if the purpose is just to express anger or despair, rather than praise or worship). I enjoy making offerings, which can include sharing meals, creating art (like paintings, sculptures, music, pottery, etc.), or even just dedicating a good deed to the Gods and/or the dead (like feeding stray cats for Bast or Sekhmet).
Many of my personal offerings to Set (and to other Gods and Goddesses) are available for the general public to enjoy as well. These include my entire discography, my podcast, my art, and even this website you’re visiting right now.
“What holidays do you celebrate?”
I really observe just one Egyptian holiday: Wep Ronpet (“Opening of the Year”), the New Year festival, which occurs in early- to mid-August during the annual inundation of the Nile. It’s technically a “roaming” holiday that falls on a slightly different date each year, but I prefer to celebrate on August 15 since this coincides with the date of my original conversion experience in 1997. The other holidays I traditionally observe are not Egyptian in origin; these include Hallowtide (October 31 through November 2), Walpurgis Night (April 30), and Friday the Thirteenth.
“Are you a member of the Temple of Set?”
No. I am well aware of the Temple of Set, but I have never been involved with that particular organization, and I respectfully do not subscribe to their ideology. Nor does anyone need to join that organization to know or walk with Set.
“Isn’t Setianism a ‘left-hand path’ (LHP) religion?”
Some Setians identify with this term, but I do not. Some would argue I am “right-hand path” (RHP) because of the devotional emphasis in my faith; but I don’t identify by this term either. Nor do I try to collapse every possible variety of religious experience into some false “LHP/RHP” binary. Setianism existed long before anyone ever used such terminology—which means “LHP” beliefs are supplementary to believing in Set, not fundamental.
#frequentlyaskedquestions #faq #setianism #sutekh #kemetic #egyptian #pagan #polytheist #holidays #god #religion #lefthandpath #lhp #pentagram
#frequentlyaskedquestions #faq #setianism #sutekh #Kemetic #egyptian #Pagan #polytheist #holidays #god #religion #lefthandpath #LHP #pentagram
🔥 𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖉 🔥
my new Gothcaps artisan keycap arrived! This colourway was suggested by user "rotted mood" on the Gothcaps Discord and now it's a reality! The quality is superb and the colours really pop.
#mechanicalkeycap #keycap #artisan #artisankeycap #mechnicalkeyboard #rottedmood #lucifer #gothcaps #goth #pentagram #invertedpentagram #satanism
#mechanicalkeycap #keycap #artisan #artisankeycap #mechnicalkeyboard #rottedmood #lucifer #gothcaps #goth #pentagram #invertedpentagram #satanism
#hexagram #pentagram #recursion
I'm surprised more witches and occultists aren't flocking to the fediverse because the symbol is literally a pentagram: :fediverse: It even has all the elemental colors (red fire, blue water, green earth, and purple aether/spirit)!
#witchcraft #occult #pentagram #fediverse
Design Milk : Pentagram Brings 70 Years of Moog Music to Colorful Life https://design-milk.com/pentagram-brings-70-years-of-moog-music-to-colorful-life/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pentagram-brings-70-years-of-moog-music-to-colorful-life #MinimoogModelD #websitedesign #Counterpoint #Technology #YuriSuzuki #MoogMusic #Pentagram #Main #Moog
#minimoogmodeld #websitedesign #counterpoint #technology #yurisuzuki #moogmusic #pentagram #main #moog
Today I learned that the #pentagram has been used to symbolize the five wounds of #Christ on the #cross. (one in each hand/wrist, one in each foot, and one in his side). Fascinating.
PentaHand, pen sketch on paper an old tattoo idea.
#pentagram #drawing #tattoo #sketch #occult
#occult #sketch #tattoo #drawing #pentagram