Title: #Treating #AdultOnset #SuddenInfantDeathSyndrome: A #Diagnostic Approach, sixteenth edition
Author: Dr. #Pallas #Benchko
Language: Icelandic, old circa 950 CE
Depth of recovery: 3,303m
Description: Note: condition actually surveyed is #Supernumerary #Phantom #Limb #Syndrome. Composed in #blank #verse (#unrhymed #iambic #pentameter).
#scp #1986
#treating #adultonset #SuddenInfantDeathSyndrome #diagnostic #pallas #benchko #supernumerary #phantom #limb #syndrome #blank #verse #unrhymed #iambic #pentameter #scp
@strange_new_words I had no idea about the #correlation between #iambic #pentameter and the #human heart.
I just listened to Ghirawen's heart. It's the same thing for #kangaroos.
I wonder whether #Russian #hearts are the same as #humans?
#correlation #iambic #pentameter #human #kangaroos #russian #hearts #humans