My first time turning deer antler produced a nice looking Vesper click pen. The antler was incredibly hard and even sharp carbide cutters bogged down a bit. The biggest surprise was that it gave off a smell of over-crispy barbecue. Now I understand why people charge a lot for these - lots of work and now I need to air out the shop for a week!
My first time turning deer antler produced a nice looking Vesper click pen. The antler was incredibly hard and even sharp carbide cutters bogged down a bit. The biggest surprise was that it gave off a smell of over-crispy barbecue. Now I understand why people charge a lot for these - lots of work and now I need to air out the shop for a week!
This dragon pen is in my Top-5 faves of all the pens I've made. The burnt bronze fittings and Poly-Ag stone barrel match so well. Plus, it's a hefty pen with good balance. Not for writing War and Peace longhand but great for signing the deed to your castle keep.
The camera meter likes the presentation case a LOT better than the black velvet background. I may have to start shooting all of them in a case.
This dragon pen is in my Top-5 faves of all the pens I've made. The burnt bronze fittings and Poly-Ag stone barrel match so well. Plus, it's a hefty pen with good balance. Not for writing War and Peace longhand but great for signing the deed to your castle keep.
The camera meter likes the presentation case a LOT better than the black velvet background. I may have to start shooting all of them in a case.
That pool cue pen is devilishly hard to manage. At 8.5 inches, no pen box or display fits. Normal pen pots tend to tip over. Something had to be done so I figured why not manage it like any other pool cue and make a cue stand for it?
Voila! #HotOffTheLathe today are the two cue sticks used as the uprights for the stand divider. The rack is 3D printed. The base is #shapermade and the divider is laser cut. Used all the toys on this one!
#penturning #woodturning #WoodWorking #shapermade #hotoffthelathe
That pool cue pen is devilishly hard to manage. At 8.5 inches, no pen box or display fits. Normal pen pots tend to tip over. Something had to be done so I figured why not manage it like any other pool cue and make a cue stand for it?
Voila! #HotOffTheLathe today are the two cue sticks used as the uprights for the stand divider. The rack is 3D printed. The base is #shapermade and the divider is laser cut. Used all the toys on this one!
#penturning #woodturning #WoodWorking #shapermade #hotoffthelathe
#HotOffTheLathe tonight is a gold Vesper pen with black palm barrel. The wood is so dark I had to reduce the contrast drastically to show it against the gold.
I love the Vesper pens for their weight, balance, and solid click mechanism.
#woodturning #penturning #hotoffthelathe
#HotOffTheLathe tonight is a gold Vesper pen with black palm barrel. The wood is so dark I had to reduce the contrast drastically to show it against the gold.
I love the Vesper pens for their weight, balance, and solid click mechanism.
#woodturning #penturning #hotoffthelathe
Next completed item from the #woodworking / #woodturning queue is a cue.
Well, a pen made to look like a pool cue, anyway. Pen is 8.5 inches long with the cap on.
Although challenging to make, the hardest part turned out to be finding a gift box for it. Ended up using a bracelet gift box.
#penturning #woodturning #WoodWorking
Next completed item from the #woodworking / #woodturning queue is a cue.
Well, a pen made to look like a pool cue, anyway. Pen is 8.5 inches long with the cap on.
Although challenging to make, the hardest part turned out to be finding a gift box for it. Ended up using a bracelet gift box.
#penturning #woodturning #WoodWorking
pen model: Zephyr
material: Double Red Mono Swirl
nib: JoWo #6 Steel
tuned by Mark Bacas
size: Small
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please see my homepage or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fpgeeks #penaddict #custompen #ink #fountainpennetwork #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #estilográfica - #currentlyinked #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #currentlyinked #estilografica #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #fountainpennetwork #ink #custompen #penaddict #fpgeeks #fountainpen #penturning
#HotOffTheLathe today are a Longwood style pen in olivewood with gold trim and a Vesper style pen in canarywood with gunmetal gray trim. These are both commissions so I took extra care with the finishing and buffing and they turned out great. The Longwood kit is great for showing off a great blank and this olivewood lives up to the promise. The Vesper is one of my favorites for balance and reliability.
#penturning #woodturning #hotoffthelathe
My wife chose the colors when I cast this blank and I promised it to her. I chose a Rockler Longwood component set because the extra-long 1-piece barrel lets the burl/resin blank shine.
I admit to a hidden agenda here. A while back I caught her using a cheap plastic pen. I thought I'd made enough custom pens that she'd get rid of all the crap ones. Maybe now?
Thought about doing a photo essay on this but pens are quite technical and it came out to 13 pix.
2023 Pen World Reader’s Choice Nominee!
Scriptorium Kelmscott Dragonfly - Best Artisan Pen
I was literally stunned when I received this notification, and am so honored and excited to be nominated!
#penturning #fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #custompen #ink #inks #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #inkvent #fountainpenink #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #estilográfica #styloplume #currentlyinked #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #currentlyinked #styloplume #estilografica #fountainpenink #inkvent #fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #inks #ink #custompen #penaddict #fountainpens #fountainpen #penturning
My first-ever fountain pen build came out pretty good. The MAS Pro Table Top Epoxy turned very well with either very sharp gouges or negative-rake carbide, which is good because there's a good bit left to make more blanks.
pen model: Zephyr
material: Primary Manipulation #1
nib: JoWo #6 Steel
tuned by Mark Bacas
size: Medium
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please see my homepage or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #penaddict #custompen #ink #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #estilográfica #styloplume #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #styloplume #estilografica #fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #ink #custompen #penaddict #fountainpen #penturning
pen model: Idyll
material: Pollack’s Convergence by Bob Dupras
rollstop: Custom Silver Panel with Maple Tree
nib: JoWo #6
tuning: Mark Bacas
size: Medium
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please see my homepage or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #custompen #ink #inks #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter
#fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #inks #ink #custompen #penaddict #fountainpens #fountainpen #penturning
Used some MAS Tabletop Epoxy on my wife's new desktop and made some hybrid burl pen blanks with the excess. Up to now I've used Alumilite and Total Boat for turning blanks and I have no idea whether the MAS epoxy will turn well.
These are about 3/4 x 3/4 x 6 inches. Top is purple/black, then orange/green, yellow/blue, and the last one is the overpour from the first 3 blanks.
I turned a bradford pear pen today. Brass hardware. Added it to my pens page, too. #woodturning #penturning
I’ve been turning pens since mid-February, and wrote up the first ten in a single post. #woodworking #penturning