A pinch of high quality #SmokedPaprika goes a long way. Wow! #PenzeysSpices
#Tonight we #feast on #BiscuitsAndGravy with #sausage from our #LocalFarms at the #FarmersMartket
#smokedpaprika #penzeysspices #tonight #feast #biscuitsandgravy #sausage #localfarms #farmersmartket
We went to #PenzeysSpices too!
Spices: smoked paprika, coriander, allspice, bavarian seasoning, fox point seasoning, chinese five spice, mustard powder, Chili9000 mix, frozen pizza seasoning, crushed red pepper & bold taco seasoning
#3GoodThings for the kitchen that arrived today:
1. Pickling spice
2. Now curry
3. Sandwich sprinkle
#3goodthings #spices #penzeysspices