#PeopleOfEarth is pretty good. I love Ozzy and the aliens. They crack me up.
More hashtags (always with the hashtagging, this one!):
#thesimpsons #KingOfTheHill #bobsburgers #rickandmorty #ResidentAlien #peopleOfEarth #SavedByTheBell #evil #youtube #kenburns #pbs #npr #LineOfDuty #RipperStreet (little bit of everything.)
#thesimpsons #KingOfTheHill #bobsburgers #rickandmorty #ResidentAlien #peopleOfEarth #SavedByTheBell #evil #youtube #kenburns #pbs #npr #LineOfDuty #ripperstreet
@alicewetterlund so cool to see you on #Mastodon! Been a big fan since your days on #peopleOfEarth, and recently got my folks into #ResidentAlien with me. Such an amazing show. Love your work!
#mastodon #peopleOfEarth #ResidentAlien
I should clean this list up.
My #fandoms:
#ofmd #OurFlagMeansDeath
Shows I love:
#wwdits #whatWeDoInTheShadows
#fandoms #ofmd #OurFlagMeansDeath #doctorwho #goodomens #wwdits #whatwedointheshadows #onlyMurders #barry #adventuretime #parksandrec #30rock #russiandoll #thegoodplace #ResidentAlien #peopleOfEarth #galavant #madmen #TedLasso #heartstopper #sexeducation #umbrellaacademy #tv #intro