Nachwuchs 2.0 hat mich gerade ermahnt, ich solle im Keller nicht so laut Musik hören. Der Yamaha RX-V2065 stand erst bei +5db ... #PeopleArePeople #DepecheMode
So a while back I also did a piece on the subsequent album, #SomeGreatReward. The two are very much connected, not of a piece, but one absolutely proceeds from the other (and #PeopleArePeople, whatever you think of the lyrics, is a slamming composition still). #DepecheMode #music
#somegreatreward #peoplearepeople #DepecheMode #music
I would add food, sharing food, having a meal or drink together, as another common denominator that brings us all together.
Re-discovered the comic "A Girl and her Fed" by @KBSpangler recently. This conversation seems very relevant lately.
"This might be an American thing, but have you ever heard the saying, "I don't know how to explain to you that should care about other people."?"
"So you want to teach people how to ... care?
"We'll start with getting users to understand that other people are people. We hope caring will follow."
#comic #comics #humor #peoplearepeople
Just popped in my head, for no particular reason at all /s
#FuckFacists #TransRightsAreHumanRights #FuckTERFs #FuckNazis #PeopleArePeople
#fuckfacists #transrightsarehumanrights #fuckterfs #fucknazis #peoplearepeople
Please remember, we're ALL people. We all have (or should have...) the same rights, responsibilities, and needs. When a political party attacks "woke" or "trans" or "LGTBQ+" or "migrants" or "refugees" or a religion?? They're attacking people. Regular, normal people.
If they're picking groups of people? Libs, or Cons, or whatever - they're grouping average people who, while some may be bad people, are JUST PEOPLE. They're justifying unjustifiable behaviour because people belong to a "group". It's divide and conquer.
When they get their desired result, they'll be picking a new group - they don't care about any of the groups, or that they're all just normal people, they're using anger to try and take control over EVERYONE. They want to create and use anger until they have no more opposition.
They don't hate one group of people more than another, they hate PEOPLE - they hate EVERYONE. And they want to use hate to turn people against one another. If someone decries trans or gay or brown or poor, their goal is to attack YOU, whoever you are, they want to attack YOU.
They want to turn you against Trans people so you'll cheer when they hurt someone, instead of saying "why are they hurting people?" you'll say "They're protecting ME" - but they are not, they're playing you. You're already on their list, and they're enlisting you in their hate.
I know I didn't include everyone's group in this, that's implied, because anyone who belongs to a group of people (and everyone does) is a target.
The only thing we should hate? Hate. Hate is a disease. Anyone using hate as a platform is diseased. We need to stop allowing it.
#Hate #Division #Anger #Humanity #Equality #Prejudice #Racism #PeopleArePeople
#hate #division #anger #humanity #equality #prejudice #racism #peoplearepeople
February 20, 2023. Good Morning! Take a minute for yourself today, and appreciate what you have. Your family, your friends, your health, your support network. If you have all of that, you're rich.
Don't let disingenuous people tell you that taking those things away from others will make your life better, it won't. There's a movement of people trying to make you hate people different than you, make you fear other people for being different.
It's a lie. People aren't different, we're all the same. We believe different things, and we like different things, but we're all human, we all have hopes, dreams, desires, cravings. We all need love. We all need companionship. We all need food.
We all need a place to sleep. We're more the same than we are different - every single one of us. Nobody picks where they're born. Nobody picks their parents. Nobody is intrinsically better than any other person. Hate is a choice. Choose better. Stay safe. Love each other. ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #peoplearepeople #peace #love #canada
On today’s BBC News Quiz, comedian Nish Kumar, referring to UK politics, said:
“People always say in this country that the Right and the Left have nothing in common. But that’s not true. The Right hates the Left, and the Left hates the Left.”
Pretty sure this is true in the US, too.
#politics #uk #US #peoplearepeople
Just took the chance of being turfed out onto a main road for calling a bigoted taxi man a bigot 😂😂
Always call out bigotry, don't validate these fu€kers.
#I'dRatherWalkAnyway #BlameTheGovernment
#peoplearepeople #blamethegovernment #i
I can't understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
People are people, so why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
#PeopleArePeople, so why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
#peoplearepeople #greatlyrics #depechemode
I failed… Turns out I lack the ability to see a corporation as a person #peoplearepeople
Of course, almost immediately after, I was exposed (willingly and happily) to another band's take on an anti-war anthem with a video also filmed on a ship.
Talk about a 180-degree turn in music tastes, eh?
RIP, Andy Fletcher.
#depechemode #peoplearepeople #newwave #1980s
Watching President Biden sin the Respect for Marriage Act is uplifting and powerful. Focusing on the best of human qualities, love and respect, is such a contrast to the hate and derision from others out there.
#peoplearepeople #love #grateful
I❤️This Track #TrancePeople
#Trancemusic #TechnoTrance #diverse #PeopleArePeople
#trancepeople #trancemusic #technotrance #diverse #peoplearepeople
Ich bin übrigens fast so alt wie der erste #1 Hit von Depeche Mode in Deutschland.
#DepecheMode #PeopleArePeople #SomeGreatReward
Depeche Mode - People Are People (Official Video)
#depechemode #peoplearepeople #SomeGreatReward