When seeing repeated GOP extortion, it reminds me so which of how many conservative characters have allowed people to die in the name of profit #PeopleBeforeProfits.
When seeing repeated GOP extortion, it reminds me so which of how many conservative characters have allowed people to die in the name of profit #PeopleBeforeProfits.
Aneurin Bevan Lecture: Michael Sheen Hay Festival 2017
#NHS #Bevin #Socialism #PeopleBeforeProfits #MichaelSheen
#nhs #bevin #socialism #peoplebeforeprofits #michaelsheen
A couple of hours ago a train derailed in Florida carrying 30,000 gallons of propane. No leakages yet.
How much longer can this shit go on?
Well now, what have we here?
#Labor #Unions #Workers #WorkerRights #Organized #Strike #Truckers #RailroadWorkers #GlobalStrike #Corporatocracy #Greed #Profits #PaidSickLeave #PeopleBeforeProfits #Politics
#labor #unions #workers #workerrights #organized #strike #truckers #railroadworkers #globalstrike #corporatocracy #greed #profits #paidsickleave #peoplebeforeprofits #politics
Most food banks were started as a short-term, stopgap measure to help folks survive a period of dramatic economic collapse; they were never intended to be a core piece of our social structure. That they are is a symptom of our failure to:
—adequately, responsibly, and fairly tax the super rich;
—ensure minimum wages actually provide the basic necessities of life;
—put the basic needs of all members of society ahead of corporate dividends…
#truethis #peoplebeforeprofits #fairtaxation #taxtherich
Most food banks were started as a short-term, stopgap measure to help folks survive a period of dramatic economic collapse; they were never intended to be a core piece of our social structure. That they are is a symptom of our failure to:
—adequately, responsibly, and fairly tax the super rich;
—ensure minimum wages actually provide the basic necessities of life;
—put the basic needs of all members of society ahead of corporate dividends…
#truethis #peoplebeforeprofits #fairtaxation #taxtherich
“I do not have a bottomless pit of taxpayers' money” says UK Transport Secretary Mark Harper…after his gov spent £16B to protect corporate profits during Covid.
But now that it’s workers who take the hit…you’re on your own.
#EnoughIsEnough #PeopleBeforeProfits
Rail reform needed before workers' pay increases, says Transport Secretary https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63773083
#enoughisenough #peoplebeforeprofits
War is white collar crime. #PeopleBeforeProfits #StopWarEverywhere
#peoplebeforeprofits #StopWarEverywhere