I'm happy to discover that I caught this just at the wrong moment, and jumped to conclusions. Looks like the one way system is going to be made permanent, including a widened pavement and tables for hospitality.
They're putting back in some parking though.
Going to take until the end of the year though. https://sjwhighstreet.co.uk/
It's spring when it becomes nice to eat and drink on terraces outside of restaurants and cafes.
And what does the City of
Westminster Council do? Removes traffic calming and hospitality's tables, from St John's Wood High Street.
Now there are stupidly parked wankpantzers everywhere. 🤬
I lived in the Mission for 5 years but didn't understand how dangerous traffic on Valencia was until my kid had a soccer game at Garfield Park. I took Valencia but should have taken Folsom or Clipper. Tbh, I'm not sure how safe Folsom is with just paint as "infra". #valencia #peoplenotcars
I just watched a Tesla (but it could be any make of car) almost blow through the four way stop at the end of my block. After waving my arms at them, they stopped 3/4 of the way into the intersection.
Some days, I just want to go hang out at the corner and throw rocks at every damn car that fails to stop. Or maybe get a paintball gun and shoot paintballs at them.
#seattle #visionzero #peoplenotcars
Münchens schönster Platz ist eine Tiefgarageneinfahrt
Munich's most beautiful place is an underground car park entrance
#autokorrektur #munich #photography #peopleNotCars #UrbanPlanning
#urbanplanning #peoplenotcars #Photography #munich #autokorrektur
Central Manhattan goes car free (albeit for 1 day, but it's a start)
Would love to see more of this in London and other large cities
#5thavenue #carfreeday #peoplenotcars