When the #OwnedTogether DNC/GOP 2-party establishment #Corporatists don't represent our values. We #Occupy
#IndependentVoter #PeopleNotParty
#EndProhibition #WaterIsLife
#UnrigTheSystem #Revolution
#democraticsocialism #Revolution #unrigthesystem #waterislife #endprohibition #MedicareForAll #peoplenotparty #independentvoter #occupy #corporatists #ownedtogether
😮Blatant, intentional #regression.
.. FFS, Musk was in #PuertoRico getting solar power to a children's hospital. Knowing our Gov't. (GOP /Trump) aregleefully trying to snuff alternate, renewable, green energy.. pisses me off. But they'll use him to send payloads to the ISS, and whatever else he does for black ops. 😡 (insert loud cursing here) #WakeUp #PeopleNotParty #PlanetOverProfit #OurRevolution #DSA #DemSoc #BWHW #Progressive #GPUSA https://todon.nl/media/3G411Qk7u1GbbgMOkJ0
#regression #puertorico #wakeup #peoplenotparty #planetoverprofit #ourrevolution #dsa #demsoc #bwhw #progressive #gpusa