As far as I know, I don’t know.. #overheard #paradoxical #PeopleNotThinking
#peoplenotthinking #paradoxical #OverHeard
One thing I find really #annoying when #shopping is #people who park their trolley/cart on one side of the aisle and then proceed to stand in the way and look at items on the opposite side of the aisle 😠
#idiots #lackofcommonsense #peoplenotthinking #annoyances #people #shopping #annoying
How stupid do you have to be to refuse to replace months old masks because, "They are just as good as new ones."
Well everyone, those people are my parents.
Help reduce the spread of SARS-COVID19 by replacing old masks.
#StupidParents #COVID19 #MaskUp #ReduceTheSpread #facepalm #PeopleNotThinking #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak
#thinkbeforeyouspeak #peoplenotthinking #facepalm #reducethespread #MaskUp #COVID19 #stupidparents