Workplace Diversity in Star Trek: A Vision of the Future | Journey to Diversity Workplaces #J2DW #StarTrek #WorkplaceDiversity #TheFuture #IDIC #2SLGBTQ #PeopleOfColour #cdnpoli @startrek @cdnpoli
#j2dw #startrek #workplacediversity #thefuture #idic #2slgbtq #peopleofcolour #cdnpoli
Watching "Saving Our #WildIsles" which BBC has released as an extra only available via iPlayer
It is not just the re-wilding environmentalism practised by farmers that the rightwing would have found too "woke". They would have objected to the accusations if racial exclusion implied by the Flock Together segment.
#Attenborough #DavidAttenborough #Environmentalism #BirdWatching
#PeopleOfColour #FlockTogether
#wildisles #attenborough #davidattenborough #environmentalism #birdwatching #peopleofcolour #FlockTogether
This week I've been mainly reading, No.46:
Mithu Sanyal,'s Identitti (2022) offers a riff on Roth's Human Stain (alluded to once elliptically), telling a story of one student's response when a high profile scholar of colour is outed by her brother (plot spoiler) as white; which she defends as exhibiting transracialism. Its effectively a politically sophisticated campus novel, which at times feels a little didactic, but remans very readable
#readersofmastodon #peopleofcolour
I'm happy things are changing. We do have female and PoC astronauts nowadays.
Still, there are many many situations where we are not. So many times i see photos of boardrooms or politics, where the majority is male and white.
Don't underestimate that imagery. It is shutting us out.
And you will say: but why, it is the truth, it was like that, should we not show this photos?
You can share whatever you like, but i hope people would be more aware of the hurt.
#sexism #women #peopleofcolour
People making fun with this picture. (Apollo astronauts).
All i -as a woman- can see is the lack of women in this picture. And of people of color, which i (sorry) forgot to mention yesterday.
It really hurts me, to know there must have been so many women and PoC who had wanted to become astronauts, but were never given a chance. Perhaps they did not even had a chance to dream about it.
And this goes for so, so many occupations and situations in life. >
#sexism #women #peopleofcolour
Ideally I’d love to find some talented musicians locally to me to play some live gigs with. For it to work I’d need a drummer and a bassist or guitarist as I can play the other. Two guitarists or one of each would be even better! If you can sing too? Perfect.
🥁 🎸 🎸 🎸
Goes without saying but it would be great to collaborate with #queer people, #black people, #PeopleOfColour, #disabled people and #neurodiverse people, as these are my people. PEOPLE
Boosts appreciated! 🚀
#queer #black #peopleofcolour #disabled #neurodiverse
Transmen are men
Transwomen are women
Transsexuals are part of the LGBTQIA+
Non binaries are valid
Pansexuals are valid
Neurodivergants are valid
Non able bodied folk are valid
Indeginous people are valid
People of colour matter
Other cultures are valid
Furries are valid
Therians are harmless
Be. Nice. To. Others.
#transphobesarenotwelcomed #supportusall #don #peopleofcolour #furries #therians #cultures #neurodivergant #physicallydisabled #pansexuals #indeginous #lgbtqia
People of colour have been shut out of the climate debate. Social justice is the key to the green agenda
Wherever in the world environmental despoliation and degradation is happening, it is almost always linked to questions of social justice, human rights, racism, equity and people’s quality of life in its widest sense
#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #CllimateChange #UK #SocialJustice #Equity #PeopleOfColour
#climateemergency #pollution #ecology #environment #climatecrisis #climatecatastrophe #CllimateChange #uk #socialjustice #equity #peopleofcolour
Wo steht im Herrn der Ringe eigentlich, dass alle Elben immer weiße Haut haben?
#herrderringe #peopleofcolour
Wieder ein gute Sendung zu einem wichtigen Thema von #scobel.
scobel – Wege zur Selbstbemächtigung
Selbstbemächtigung oder Empowerment ist für die, die ausgegrenzt sind, ein guter Weg zu mehr Autonomie, Mitbestimmung und Handlungsoptionen. Wie aber geht das – sich mehr Macht holen?
#peopleofcolour #homosexuelle #frauen #scobel
Awful Behaviour By The #MetPolice
#StripSearchingChildren especially
#workingclass of all colours &
#PeopleOfColour of all classes
#UKShitShow 🇬🇧
#LondonLost #UK
#metpolice #childabuse #StripSearchingChildren #workingclass #peopleofcolour #FUCKtheMet #acab #LondonFalling #LondonFailing #UKshitshow #LondonLost #uk
Had to draw some of my cute human girls~~ #Jenny #kiki #mysterygirl #connie #stevenuniverse #stevenuniversefanart #nsfw #lewd #rule34 #lewdfanart #boobs #tits #piercings #pussy #peopleofcolour #lesbians #queer
#jenny #kiki #mysterygirl #connie #stevenuniverse #stevenuniversefanart #nsfw #lewd #rule34 #lewdfanart #boobs #tits #piercings #pussy #peopleofcolour #lesbians #queer
Guten Morgen, ich benötige Literatur für die Thematik #racialprofiling und die Auswirkungen auf #peopleofcolour vorallem in Bezug auf #Erziehung von Kindern. Wenn ihr Ideen habt, immer her damit. #boostwelcome merci!
#racialprofiling #peopleofcolour #erziehung #boostwelcome
#BBCNI #racism #POC #NorthernIreland
‘We felt like only #peopleofcolour in our town’
#ShereeAtcheson was born in Sri Lanka. At three weeks old she was adopted, along with her brother, by a family from Northern Ireland. They were raised in the...
#BBCNI #racism #poc #northernireland #peopleofcolour #ShereeAtcheson