Strona internetowa mojej wystawy, People of the Hop Harvest, została uruchomiona pod adresem
Fotografie mojego autorstwa oraz poezja Sary-Jane Arbury i Beth Calverley, która daje twarz i głos sezonowym pracownikom rolnym w Wielkiej Brytanii, badając wiejską różnorodność i budując mosty między społecznościami.
#peopleofthehopharvest #MastoArt #farming #beer #agriculture
#agriculture #beer #farming #MastoArt #peopleofthehopharvest
Die Website für meine Ausstellung "People of the Hop Harvest" (Menschen der Hopfenernte) ist jetzt unter online.
Fotos von mir und Gedichte von Sara-Jane Arbury und Beth Calverley geben den Saisonarbeitern auf den britischen Bauernhöfen ein Gesicht und eine Stimme, untersuchen die ländliche Vielfalt und bauen Brücken zwischen den Gemeinschaften.
#peopleofthehopharvest #MastoArt #Bauernhof #Bier #Landwirtschaft
#landwirtschaft #bier #Bauernhof #MastoArt #peopleofthehopharvest
The website for my exhibition, People of the Hop Harvest, has now launched at
Photographs by me, and poetry by Sara-Jane Arbury and Beth Calverley that gives a face and a voice to seasonal farm workers in the UK, examining rural diversity and building bridges between communities.
#peopleofthehopharvest #MastoArt #farming #beer #agriculture
#agriculture #beer #farming #MastoArt #peopleofthehopharvest
Free Poetry Workshop for Adults
With funding from the Arts Council of England, I will be exhibiting People of the Hop Harvest over the coming months. There will also be an opportunity to attend free workshops.
Look out for more details on social media soon!
#peopleofthehopharvest #mastoart #poetry #photography #exhibition
#exhibition #photography #poetry #MastoArt #peopleofthehopharvest
‘People of the Hop Harvest’ is my project, made possible through funding from Arts Council England. Discover untold stories of seasonal farm workers & explore their place in our rural communities through photography and poetry.
- 22-31July. Barrett Browning Institute, Ledbury
- 05-14 Aug. Powerhouse Theatre, Hereford
- 26 Aug-04 Sept. Hive Library, Worcester
- 23-25 Sept. Malvern Autumn Show, Three Counties Showground
#peopleofthehopharvest #beer #farming @mastodon-art #visualart
#visualart #farming #beer #peopleofthehopharvest
Introducing ‘People of the Hop Harvest’
This summer, I will be hosting an exhibition in Herefordshire and Worcestershire funded by Arts Council of England.
The exhibition gives a face and a voice to seasonal farm workers through photography, & poetry by Sara-Jane Arbury & Beth Calverley.
There will also be two free workshops for young people and adults, with their works being featured on the exhibition website.
#artexhibition #poetry #photography #peopleofthehopharvest