To ensure cars didn’t take back control of #Paris streets as the pandemic was “ending” (no, it hasn’t ended), like they have in so many cities, Paris Mayor #AnneHidalgo made sure that 60k parking spaces and many streets were permanently transformed into seating for restaurants, people places and bike-lanes. Leadership. #cities #urbanism #streets #streetsforpeople #peopleplaces #placemaking
#placemaking #peopleplaces #StreetsForPeople #streets #urbanism #cities #annehidalgo #paris
To ensure cars didn’t take back control of #Paris streets as the pandemic was “ending” (no, it hasn’t ended), like they have in so many cities, Mayor #AnneHidalgo made sure that 60k parking spaces and many streets were permanently transformed into seating for restaurants, people places and bike-lanes.
#cities #urbanism #streets #streetsforpeople #peopleplaces #placemaking
#placemaking #peopleplaces #StreetsForPeople #streets #urbanism #cities #annehidalgo #paris
Are your streets for cars or for people? Just because the answer is cars right now, doesn’t mean you can’t change that if you really want to. This #TelAviv transformation before & after between 2016 and 2021 is well documented by #schlijper’s great photography. #StreetsForPeople #streetdesign #cities #urbandesign #urbanplanning #urbanism #peopleplaces #streets #people
#people #streets #peopleplaces #urbanism #urbanplanning #urbandesign #cities #streetdesign #StreetsForPeople #schlijper #telaviv