RT @TJ__Brown__@twitter.com
Debate: Dan Andrews and Matt Guy. Watch in Full. #VicPol #AusPol #LeadersDebate #VicVotes2022 #LeadersDebate #peoplesforum
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TJ__Brown__/status/1595110680927297536
#vicpol #auspol #leadersdebate #vicvotes2022 #peoplesforum
Debate: Dan Andrews and Matt Guy. Watch in Full. #VicPol #AusPol #LeadersDebate #VicVotes2022 #LeadersDebate #peoplesforum
#vicpol #auspol #leadersdebate #vicvotes2022 #peoplesforum
@timsims Here’s the #PeoplesForum debate. I thought it was fair, reasonable questions, respectful.
#peoplesforum #vicpol #skynewsaus #danielandrews #MatthewGuy
RT @fightfor15@twitter.com
"Beyond Disgraceful." That's how Sen. @BernieSanders@twitter.com reacted when we shared how little we get paid working fast-food in Iowa.
#FightFor15 workers on strike met with Senator Sanders at the #PeoplesForum in Des Moines.
We won't give up. We will win $15 and #UnionsForAll
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fightfor15/status/1176217334718971905
#unionsforall #peoplesforum #fightfor15
I think I want to live at the People's Forum. Everything on their calendar speaks to my soul:
#PeoplesForum #NYC #Manhattan