#Histodons #LondonHistory #PeoplesHistory
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The Marx Memorial Library provides a suitably historic home for the Printworkers’ Collection. Now work is under way to make this fantastic labour history resource more accessible. Read more at https://sslh.org.uk/2023/09/09/print-matters-conserving-and-promoting-the-printworkers-story/
#histodons #londonHistory #peopleshistory
Really pleased to see actors of the calibre of Ardal O'Hanlon and Adrian Dunbar reading extracts of the interviews I carried out with Irish homeless in London in the 1990s. These will be part of an exhibition which will tour the UK in November. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jimmccool_irishinbritain50-heritage-diaspora-activity-7100624173802090496-dguh?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
#irish #history #homeless #homelessness #peopleshistory #ireland
#irish #history #homeless #homelessness #peopleshistory #ireland
In the mid-1990s I carried out a series of interviews with #homeless Irishmen living in Arlington House hostel in #London's Camden Town. Now the transcripts of those interviews are being brought back to life by the Irish in Britain project.
#oralhistory #history #ireland #irish #homelessness #peopleshistory
#homeless #london #oralhistory #history #ireland #irish #homelessness #peopleshistory
On July 6th, 2013 -- ten years ago today -- 47 people were killed in the Quebec town of Lac-Mégantic by a runaway oil train. Today in the US 3 trains derail per day. This is a time bomb. #tdih #PeoplesHistory
RT @peoplesdispatch
#PeoplesHistory | Today we remember the time in 1967 when sports icon Muhammad Ali refused induction into the US army to go and fight in the imperialist US war against Vietnam
RT @peoplesdispatch
#PeoplesHistory | Today is the birthday of Indigenous leader and revolutionary Tupac Amaru II. In the 1780s, alongside his wife Micaela Bastidas, he led the largest Indigenous rebellion in the Americas' history.
RT @peoplesdispatch
#PeoplesHistory | Today is the birthday of Indigenous leader and revolutionary Tupac Amaru II. In the 1780s, alongside his wife Micaela Bastidas, he led the largest Indigenous rebellion in the Americas' history.
#Histodons #PeoplesHistory #londonHistory
Cato Street, London: 1820. Inside the building where London’s ultra radicals met a violent end https://sslh.org.uk/2023/03/18/cato-street-inside-the-building-where-londons-ultra-radicals-met-their-end/
#histodons #peopleshistory #londonHistory
#Histodons #PeoplesHistory #londonHistory
Cato Street, London: 1820. Inside the building where London’s ultra radicals met a violent end https://sslh.org.uk/2023/03/18/cato-street-inside-the-building-where-londons-ultra-radicals-met-their-end/
#histodons #peopleshistory #londonHistory
RT @peoplesdispatch@twitter.com
#PeoplesHistory | On January 15, 1919, communist leaders, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Germany were murdered on the orders of German authorities.
This pretty much sums up what we do. Come and say hello. #labourhistory #peopleshistory #workingclasshistory
#workingclasshistory #LabourHistory #peopleshistory