Cusa · @Cusa
15 followers · 106 posts · Server

Alexander hat den Aufstand gestoppt. Jedenfalls lässt er seinen Pressedienstes das mitteilen. Er hat mit Prigoschin geschimpft und dieser hat dann versprochen "die Bewegung bewaffneter Personen der Wagner-Firma auf dem Territorium Russlands zu stoppen und weitere Schritte zur Deeskalation der Spannungen zu unternehmen." 😆

#lukaschenko #peopleskills

Last updated 1 year ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
181 followers · 1121 posts · Server

PEOPLE SKILLS TIP: When interacting with others, take note of how much empathy they demonstrate, where they fall on the emotional generosity scale, & how much they talk about themselves vs. express interest in others. To get a true sense of these ranges, this is best done over multiple interactions. These combined results are great predictors of how individuals will treat you & others in terms of relationship parity.

#Community #Mastodon #advice #tips #relationships #rapport #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
167 followers · 1076 posts · Server

Why do I write these types of "people skills" advice posts like some kind of "Ann Landers of Mastodon"?🤣 Well, it's not entirely unprompted by observations.😉

#Community #Mastodon #advice #Help #tips #relationships #rapport #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
168 followers · 1079 posts · Server

To spark conversation, ask engaging, open-ended questions. To keep the conversation going, engage ppl in a way that leaves room for them to contribute their own thoughts & further the conversation. For example: If I express interest in topic XYZ & you reply, "Me too," don't stop there: Elaborate with your own insights & then ask an open-ended question in return, either as a direct question or general inquiry.


#Community #Mastodon #advice #Help #tips #relationships #rapport #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
168 followers · 1079 posts · Server

Asking others tactful, engaging questions shows interest, respect, & consideration. Listening for empathy & understanding (vs. listening only to formulate responses) will improve the quality of your relationships. The development of writing & speaking skills will help you better communicate TO others but the development of listening & observation skills will help you better connect WITH others.


#Community #Mastodon #advice #Help #tips #relationships #rapport #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
167 followers · 1066 posts · Server

Asking others tactful, engaging questions shows interest, respect, & consideration. Listening for empathy & understanding (vs. listening only to formulate responses) will improve the quality of your relationships. The development of writing & speaking skills helps you better communicate TO others but the development of listening & observation skills will help you connect WITH others much better.


#Community #Mastodon #advice #Help #tips #relationships #rapport #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
168 followers · 1079 posts · Server

PEOPLE SKILLS TIP: Conversation is an exchange involving 2 or more ppl. Being mindful of conversational parity helps to ensure better rapport. This includes not just being mindful of when or how much one is speaking but also being respectful of conversational boundary lines & picking up on social cues. What ISN'T said is just as important as what IS said. When in doubt, ask for clarification vs. assuming POVs.


#Community #Mastodon #advice #Help #tips #relationships #rapport #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
167 followers · 1065 posts · Server

PEOPLE SKILLS TIP: Conversation is an exchange involving 2 or more ppl. Being mindful of conversational parity helps to ensure better rapport. This includes not just being mindful of who, when, or how much a person is speaking but also being respectful of conversational boundary lines & picking up on social cues. What ISN'T said is as important as what IS said. When in doubt, ask for clarification vs. assuming POVs.


#Community #Mastodon #tips #relationships #rapport #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
118 followers · 838 posts · Server

Tip to get along better with others: It can be helpful to take a deep breath and few seconds' pause between your brain, your typing fingers, and the "Enter" key.😉 Likewise, IRL situations often benefit from similar moments of pause between interaction, further reflection, and action. If this way of operating doesn't come naturally to you (hello extroverts, I'm looking at you 🤣 ), you can practice the behavior until it becomes a habit.


#tips #advice #rapport #relationships #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Tip to get along better with others: It can be helpful to take a deep breath and few seconds' pause between your brain, your typing fingers, and the "Enter" button.😉 Likewise, IRL situations often benefit from similar moments of pause between interaction, further reflection, and action. If this way of operating doesn't come naturally to you (hello extroverts, I'm looking at you🤣), you can practice the behavior until it becomes a habit.


#tips #advice #rapport #relationships #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
118 followers · 838 posts · Server

Tip to get along better with others: When someone asks you for help or advice, try offering ideas as suggestions vs. issuing them as commands. You're likely to get a better reception. Body language and tone are clues. As for giving unsolicited advice, you might want to think twice before offering it.😉 Specifying your own personal preference(s) is fine, but recognize that this is quite different from offering unasked-for help or advice.


#tips #advice #rapport #relationships #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Tip to get along better with others: When someone asks you for help or advice, try offering ideas as suggestions vs. issuing them as commands. You're likely to get a better reception. Body language & tone are clues. As for giving unsolicited advice, you might want to think twice before offering it.😉 Specifying your own personal preference(s) is fine, but recognize that this is quite different from offering unasked-for help or advice.


#tips #advice #rapport #relationships #peopleskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Final thought for today (before going AFK): When people are going through serious life challenges, often what they want most is to receive acknowledgment of their pain. Instead of minimizing their experiences (by comparing their situation to others' situations & saying it's not as bad, etc.), validate their experiences. They are often seeking a way of feeling less alone in whatever they're experiencing. It's not your job to play therapist; just listen & be supportive.

#peopleskills #empathy

Last updated 2 years ago

Life Tip: If "what others can do for you" is the only way you view them, then please know this: Most people aren't into that. Treating humans like tools means YOU are the tool.🤣 Instead, for better rapport, expand how you view & treat others: Ask them how they're doing & actually listen. Offer them value &/or meaning; it doesn't need to be material. Offer your time, help, support, or a kind word.

#wisdom #Humanity #lifeadvice #tips #peopleskills #relationships #kindness #thought #people #mensch

Last updated 2 years ago

Apologizing when you've wronged someone isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of integrity, strength of character, & personal growth. It takes a unique combination of boldness, humility, & courage to admit when you've wronged someone, & also provides necessary healing for both you & the aggrieved party.

#Writing #tips #wisdom #advice #Life #lifeadvice #today #thoughts #healing #relationships #people #peopleskills #rapport #personalgrowth #character #integrity #atonement #apologies #apologizing

Last updated 2 years ago

Apologizing when you've wronged someone isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of integrity, strength of character, & personal growth. It takes a unique combination of boldness, humility, & courage to admit when you've wronged someone & also provides necessary healing for both you and the aggrieved party.

#Writing #tips #wisdom #advice #Life #lifeadvice #today #thoughts #strength #healing #relationships #people #peopleskills #rapport #character #integrity #atonement #apologies #apologizing

Last updated 2 years ago

Apologizing when you've wronged someone isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of integrity, strength of character, & personal growth. It takes a unique combination of boldness, humility, & courage to admit when you've wronged someone & also provides necessary healing for both you and the wronged party.

#Writing #tips #wisdom #advice #Life #lifeadvice #today #thoughts #strength #healing #relationships #people #peopleskills #rapport #character #integrity #atonement #apologies #apologizing

Last updated 2 years ago

Apologizing when you've wronged someone isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of integrity, strength of character, & personal growth. It takes a unique combination of boldness, humility, & courage to admit when you've wronged someone & also provides necessary healing for both you and the wronged party.

#Writing #tips #wisdom #advice #Life #lifeadvice #today #thoughtfortoday #thoughts #strength #healing #relationships #people #peopleskills #rapport #character #integrity #apologies #apologizing

Last updated 2 years ago

(cont'd.) Yes, just like the Maya Angelou quote. As a corollary to these ideas, Maya also said these wise words:

“The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.”

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

“If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?”

#advice #lifeadvice #tips #peopleskills #connection #relationships #people #friendship #selfworth #wisdom #Writing #Life #qotd #quotes #mayaangelou

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes, just like the Maya Angelou quote. As a corollary to these ideas, Maya also said these wise words:

“The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.”

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

“If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?”

#advice #lifeadvice #tips #peopleskills #connection #relationships #people #friendship #selfworth #wisdom #writers #Writing #Life #qotd #quotes #mayaangelou

Last updated 2 years ago