Come join the People's Party of Texas for its monthly book club! This month we will be exploring "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins, followed by a watch party. DM if you're in the North Texas area and would like to come to the in-person meeting. Those not in the area of wishing to be someplace else can participate virtually!
#PeoplesPartyOfTexas #ConfessionsOfAnEconomicHitman #UndergroundAcademia
#peoplespartyoftexas #confessionsofaneconomichitman #undergroundacademia
We had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Kiko at the Freethinker's Forum this weekend, thank you Kiko for having us on!
#sociocracy #horizontalism #democracy #politics #mutualaid #community #texas #peoplespartyoftexas #antiwar #abolition #defundthepolice
#sociocracy #horizontalism #democracy #politics #MutualAid #Community #texas #peoplespartyoftexas #antiwar #Abolition #DefundThePolice
I bet you won't find another political party in Texas publicly advocating for a global debt jubilee, just sayin'...
"...a ruling class whose main claim to wealth is no longer the ability to make anything, or even really sell anything, but increasingly on a series of credit-scams propped up by government support, has to rely very heavily on every mechanism that might make tend to legitimize the system. This is why the last 30 years of 'financialization' have been accompanied by an ideological offensive unparalleled in human history, arguing that current economic arrangements — which they have rather whimsically dubbed 'the free market' even though it functions almost entirely through the government giving money to the rich, is not just the best economic system, but the only economic system that could possibly exist..."
#debtjubilee #peoplespartyoftexas