A watered-down substitute advances: Washington #privacy legislation update, February 6
Washington's legislative session is in high gear. #waleg #Privacy highlights from the last week:
- the CR&J committee advanced a new version of #MyHealthMyData (HB 1155), incorporating many of the "improvements" (haha) industry lobbyists suggested
- ADS regulation (SB 5356) is likely to get a hearing in ENET
- The #PeoplesPrivacyAct (HB 1616/SB 5643) had a good week!
#privacy #waleg #myhealthmydata #peoplesprivacyact
The #ShieldLaw (SB 1469 / HB 5489) had hearings in both the House and the Senate. By the end of the week both committees had advanced versions of the bill (with the House making some amendments).
The #PeoplesPrivacyAct (HB 1616 / SB 5643), which broadens My Health My Data's consent requirements to all data and covers government agencies as well as corporations, was officially introduced – with bipartisan sponsorship. In the House, it's been assigned to CR&J.
Some kinds of activism will work better than others in the fediverse today. Helping people better protect their privacy, getting the word out about local organizing opportunities, anti-corporate activism, and legislative activism all have definite possibilities.
"#Privacy activism in "the other Washington": #waleg #MyHealthMyData #PeoplesPrivacyAct and more" discusses an experiment-in-progress: legislative action here in Washington state.
#privacy #waleg #myhealthmydata #peoplesprivacyact
Some kinds of activism will work better than others in the fediverse today. Helping people better protect their privacy, getting the word out about local organizing opportunities, anti-corporate activism, and legislative activism all have definite possibilities.
"#Privacy activism in "the other Washington": #waleg #MyHealthMyData #PeoplesPrivacyAct and more" discusses an experiment-in-progress: legislative action here in Washington state.
#privacy #waleg #myhealthmydata #peoplesprivacyact
For #DataPrivacyDay, a pair of posts about privacy activism!
"#Privacy activism on #Mastodon and in the fediverse looks" at the opportunity. A lot of people are in the fediverse because they care about privacy. Can we leverage that for activism?
"#Privacy activism in "the other Washington": #waleg #MyHealthMyData #PeoplesPrivacyAct and more" looks at the situation here in Washington state and @waprivacy's experiments.
#dataprivacyday #privacy #mastodon #waleg #myhealthmydata #peoplesprivacyact
The #PeoplesPrivacyAct broadens My Health My Data's opt-in consent requirements to other personal data, covers government agencies as well as the private sector, prohibits discriminatory uses of data, and bans #facialrecognition in places of public accommodation.
The People's #Privacy Act was just filed late last week, so doesn't have a bill number yet. Here's an overview from when Rep. Shelley Kloba introduced it in 2021. https://www.aclu-wa.org/story/introducing-people%E2%80%99s-privacy-act-real-privacy-protections-everyone
#peoplesprivacyact #facialrecognition #privacy #waleg
A much more favorable environment, but a lot of complexity: Washington state privacy legislation 2023
UPDATED with info about #PeoplesPrivacyAct and#ShieldLaw as well as #MyHealthMyData
The 2023 #waleg session is already in high gear, and once again there's some significant privacy legislation. If you're just tuning in, the sections on "What's Past is Prologue" and "Significant successes for Washington privacy advocates" have the backstory.
#peoplesprivacyact #myhealthmydata #waleg