The thing we need to understand is #InducedDemand
Still humming this song.
Bravo to #PeoplesPublicHearing against #ODOT #Freeway expansion!
incredible testimony.
Ends with folksinger #PaulRippey (2:22:12) with an original song that needs to be sung at every highway expansion protest.
Sponsored by #NoMoreFreeways
With speakers representing business, youth, advocates from #OregonWalks #ExtinctionRebellion #FamiliesForSafeStreets #Sunrise #BLine and more.
#induceddemand #peoplespublichearing #odot #freeway #paulrippey #nomorefreeways #oregonwalks #extinctionrebellion #familiesforsafestreets #sunrise #bline #BikeTooter
Chris Smith, cofounder of #NoMoreFreeways gives his expert testimony at the #PeoplesPublicHearing #LidsNotLanes
#nomorefreeways #peoplespublichearing #lidsnotlanes
Aaron Brown kicking off #NoMoreFreeways #PeoplesPublicHearing at Harriet Tubman Middle School in PDX.
#nomorefreeways #peoplespublichearing