Some bosses don't deserve any oxygen.
My SIL's friend went through a hysterectomy (cancer), and after 3-4 days at home her boss called her to ask: when are you coming back to work?
(FYI - the surgeon gave her at least 1 month at home)
From the #PeopleSuck department.
Here’s an office chair size guide for @kf who thought it would be more appropriate to block me than simply accept that I had some knowledge in a subject. #peoplesuck
Here’s an office chair size guide for @kf who thought it would be more appropriate to block me than simply accept that I had some knowledge in a subject. #peoplesuck
When you visit twitter occasionally to be reminded that it’s a vast, sucking cesspool of negativity with millions of needy people searching for external validation. #PeopleSuck
When you visit twitter occasionally to be reminded that it’s a vast, sucking cesspool of negativity and millions of needy people searching for external validation. #PeopleSuck
The big downside to Mastodon's growth is that it has no become as big of a political and drama shithole as Twitter, the only difference being that I have already sunk a significant about of time into building tools to filter out out of my Twitter.
It's like yall bitch about how bad social media is for mental health - then move the disease around like you're carriers or something.
I'm a #realestate agent on the side. Lemme tell you ... There are #scammers wherever money can be made. My clients considered purchasing a property all on their own but decided at the last moment to reach out to me. Turns out the seller was super sketchy from the get-go w/ a trap laid to ensnare an inexperienced buyer. I'm both angry these scammers exist, but very happy that I could use my skills and resources to help these folks dodge a potentially painful and expensive experience. #peoplesuck
#peoplesuck #scammers #realestate
It's a well known fact that if you push your way to the front of the line at the gate, you'll get to your destination faster than the other passengers. And they will love you for it. 🙄
#heathrowairport #unitedairlines #peoplesuck #morons #toolbags
#heathrowairport #unitedairlines #peoplesuck #morons #toolbags
Something's been weighing on my mind for a couple months, and I just want to get it off my chest. We had my mom's public-facing funeral in October, and beforehand, an old friend of hers reached out to me and my siblings - some of whom she'd never met - and asked if we could live stream the service for people who couldn't attend. We declined for several reasons: we'd already had the emotionally wrecking private service for family and friends and were already worn thin planning and hosting a second one in another state, live streaming something so painful felt horrible, we didn't want to handle technical difficulties while managing dozens of people in person who we had likely never met, and finally, the venue hosting did not have any audio or video setup, so we'd have to start from scratch.
She replied in a relatively passive aggressive way, shaming us from keeping people who cared about our mom from engaging with her service. At that point I was sick of demands being made by people outside of the family and immediate friends, so I blocked her number and socials and moved on.
The service came and went, and was just as exhausting as we anticipated it to be. And then, weeks later, I found out that that same woman not only brought her own camera to record the service, but uploaded the entire thing to YouTube without anyone's consent. I had gone up as a last minute speaker and sort of fell apart on the stage talking about my mom. And now that display, as well as everyone else's, is up for the public to peruse.
It feels like a violation, and I'm so angry, but also just so exhausted dealing with these people. Had she reached out before and asked to film, or upload, we certainly would have agreed. And we would have stated at the beginning that the service was being filmed for upload, in case for some, like me, that made a difference in what they did or did not share.
Apologies for the long vent, but that feeling of violation has been building in me, and I'm just consistently stunned by how inconsiderate these people who claimed to love my mom have been to her family, who she loved very, very much.
#grief #violationofboundaries #celebrationoflife #peoplesuck
Yo. The world sucks and humans might actually deserve to go extinct. Can y’all PLEASE share something positive/joyful/lovely that you’ve seen/learned about/experienced lately? TIA. #tired #peoplesuck #positivity #spreadpositivity #help
#tired #peoplesuck #positivity #spreadpositivity #help
I can't deal with any of the nastiness of humans on any social media platform so I am checking out
May be back. Don't know
#ihatepeople #humansshouldgoextinct #peoplesuck
The idaho state m*rders case has brought out the worst in some people holy crud. Like people need to stop and think for a second, this is real life. This isn’t one of your crime tv shows. This is these peoples real life. stop spreading these awful rumors. I’m disgusted by some of the things I’ve read people say about this kid. She’s 21 for godsake. People should be ashamed. #idaho #idaho4 #addictionshaming #addiction #peoplesuck #reallife #truecrime
#idaho #idaho4 #addictionshaming #addiction #peoplesuck #reallife #truecrime
It appears my pleas for assistance at work have been reduced to a Jimmy Hoffa prank phone call. 😒
#worksucks #peoplesuck
My high hopes for #mastodon are waning. Not because of bots, not because of nazis, not because of centralization - but because it turns out most people really don’t have anything of interest to say at all.
My timelines are repetitive, boring, and almost 100% regurgitated nonsense about whatever we’re mock indignant about today.
I think it’s not the platform that sucks, it’s the people.
#socialmedia #peoplesuck #boring #emo #makeartnotbullshit #bemore #dumb
#Mastodon #socialmedia #peoplesuck #boring #emo #makeartnotbullshit #bemore #dumb