Friday's poetry book of the day is:
#JovenObrero #philippines #mindanao #NPA #MLM #maoist
#mindanao #peopleswar #maoist #mlm #npa #philippines #jovenobrero
Objectives, Significance and Repercussions of the Kamerunian Revolution on the Continent of Africa by Union des Populations du Cameroun
#PartyProgramme, #UPC, #UniondesPopulationsduCameroun, #Kamerun, #Cameroon, #Cameroun, #Revolution, #BritishImperialism, #AmericanImperialism, #FrenchImperialism, #AntiImperialism, #AntiColonialism, #PanAfricanism, #ArmedStruggle, #PeoplesWar, #RevolutionaryNationalism, #Revolutionarysocialism, #NewDemocracy, #NewDemocraticRevolution, #Maoism, #NationalLiberationMovements
"From 1959-60, in the context of the Cold War, during the establishment of the neocolonial bourgeoisie and in the face of France's obstinacy in refusing the UPC its rightful place in Kamerun, asking if the UPC was communist could only have one revolutionary answer: Yes it was, since its leaders were already talking explicitly about socialism as the end goal of the UPC's struggle. Read:
“The UPC follows the example of China and Indochina, and seeks to build a socialist society modeled on that of People's China.”
This is what the highest official of the UPC [Moumié] said, addressing a young executive and designating without ambiguity the socialist horizon as the objective to be achieved in Kamerun.
#partyprogramme #upc #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #Kamerun #cameroon #cameroun #revolution #britishimperialism #americanimperialism #frenchimperialism #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #panafricanism #armedstruggle #peopleswar #revolutionarynationalism #revolutionarysocialism #newdemocracy #newdemocraticrevolution #maoism #nationalliberationmovements
Monday's book of the day is:
#amilcarcabral #imperialism #PeoplesWar
#PAIGC #GuineaBissau
#peopleswar #guineabissau #paigc #imperialism #amilcarcabral
Thursday's book of the day is:
#Naxalbari #maoism #maoist #India #PeoplesWar
#peopleswar #india #maoist #maoism #Naxalbari
"It is important to emphasize that guerrilla warfare is a war of the masses, a war of the people.
The guerrilla band is an armed nucleus, the fighting vanguard of the people.."
#antiimperialist #socialistrevolution #peopleswar #che
Pierre Mulele ou la seconde vie de Patrice Lumumba by Ludo Martens; F.E. Lumumba
#Kwilurebellion, #KwangoKwilu, #PierreMulele, #PatriceLumumba, #Congo, #colonialism, #neocolonialism, #guerrillawarfare, #leCongo, #peopleswar, #belgiancolonialism, #imperialism, #CongoKinshasa, #RépubliquedémocratiqueduCongo
french-language history of the Congolese anti-imperialist movement beyond the assassination of Patrice Lumumba.
#Kwilurebellion #KwangoKwilu #PierreMulele #patricelumumba #congo #colonialism #neocolonialism #GuerrillaWarfare #leCongo #peopleswar #belgiancolonialism #imperialism #CongoKinshasa #RépubliquedémocratiqueduCongo
Samora Machel: An African Revolutionary | Selected Speeches and Writings by Samora Moisés Machel; Barry Munslow; Michael Wolfers
#Mozambique, #SamoraMachel, #portuguesecolonialism, #Moçambique, #Mozambiki, #Msumbiji, #Muzambhiki, #guerrillawarfare, #neocolonialism, #Africa, #southernafrica, #anticolonialism, #FRELIMO, #FrentedeLibertaçãodeMoçambique, #peopleswar, #marxism
“Leader of Frelimo following Eduardo Mondlane's assassination in 1969, Machel was the architect of the guerrilla struggle against Portuguese colonial rule.”
#mozambique #SamoraMachel #portuguesecolonialism #Moçambique #Mozambiki #Msumbiji #Muzambhiki #GuerrillaWarfare #neocolonialism #africa #southernafrica #anticolonialism #FRELIMO #FrentedeLibertaçãodeMoçambique #peopleswar #marxism