RT de Edina Ifticene :
Nous faisons le procès du #Greenwashing et du #NetZero avec Greenpeace France Les Amis de la Terre FR Notre Affaire à Tous et le soutien de @ClientEarth
#BanFossilAds #StopTotal #FossilFreeRevolution #Publicitémensongère #PeopleVsOil #PeoplePower https://twitter.com/lemonde_planete/status/1499117717785296899
#peoplepower #peoplevsoil #publicitémensongère #FossilFreeRevolution #stoptotal #BanFossilAds #netzero #greenwashing
« Today we are disappointed and worried: The Supreme Court of Norway has chosen to back oil over our rights to a liveable future. The state won with a majority of 11 against 4 votes.
We are outraged but we will act for our climate together.
https://act.gp/3mK0h8y »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/greenpeacepress/status/1341374187844321281
RT @greenpeaceusa@twitter.com
BREAKING: We're in Houston shutting down the largest oil export channel in the country to resist Trump & the oil industry for fueling this #ClimateCrisis.
It's time to end the age of oil. #PeopleVsOil
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/greenpeaceusa/status/1172110668939563009
Sign and share to protect the Great Australian Bight from oil exploration. #PeopleVsOil #MakeOilHistory via @greenpeaceap@twitter.com
« Die @CreditSuisse finanziert die Klimaerhitzung. Über 400'000 Menschen aus 138 Ländern fordern die Credit Suisse auf, das Richtige zu tun und die Geschäfte mit schmutzigen Ölpipeline-Unternehmen zu beenden. #StopPipelines #PeopleVsOil »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/klinglergeorg/status/1059802850715410432
RT de Greenpeace Paris :
Des publicités détournées à Londres, Leeds, Bristol et Oxford pour dénoncer le #greenwashing de Shell
Good job ! #MakeTheFuture
#savethefuture #savethearctic #peoplevsoil https://twitter.com/BrandalismUK/status/1007578093417062401
#greenwashing #makethefuture #savethefuture #savethearctic #peoplevsoil