Inclusive · @Inclusive
4 followers · 43 posts · Server

among hits post-pandemic high.

While the boom helped some workers find additional it has also eliminated longstanding obstacles for this vulnerable .

#employment #peoplewithdisabilities #remotework #flexibility #community

Last updated 1 year ago

Davey 민선 · @daveyk
164 followers · 371 posts · Server

Low income families and rely on . Marching today at the "funeral for " to avoid forcing people of all walks of life into cars. in

#peoplewithdisabilities #publictransit #transit #savetransit #california

Last updated 1 year ago

Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
41072 followers · 40787 posts · Server
Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
279 followers · 595 posts · Server

In the US, who you are is intimately tied into what you consume, and we have a very superficial of understanding people, in that we assume people present themselves in a way that they want to be perceived. I've had so many men, for instance, tell me that they "love the natural look" and hate it when women wear what they deem "too much" makeup. But my bare face isn't my choice—my choice would be flamboyant eyeshadows and raccoon eyeliner and colored lipsticks. Unfortunately, my and prevent that, unless I want painful cyst outbreaks and scratched corneas.

gives us a false sense of in our lives. If who you want to be is just a matter of purchasing power, then you can buy your identity. But those identities are out of reach for so many people—those with disabilities, those who are working class, those who are people of color, queer folks, etc. It also allows for , since it's a mindset that assumes no one is subject to exploitation, oppression, or othering in the ways we move through the world. We're all just reduced to people who buy things.

And that's such a sad, paltry existence. In 2020, we realized , a world where people cared about , where we masked to protect , where we had time to slow down and create. Yes, was and is still terrifying, but it also showed us an existence not centered on .

#rosacea #meibomianglanddysfunction #consumerism #agency #victimblaming #anotherworldispossible #blacklivesmatter #peoplewithdisabilities #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1340 followers · 13354 posts · Server
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1328 followers · 13111 posts · Server
DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
1983 followers · 1558 posts · Server
BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
309 followers · 11757 posts · Server

@StephanieOrtoleva continue to be one of the most underconnected groups when it comes to and , say nothing of . Good to see this group elevated for how they should be included in all things digital.

#peoplewithdisabilities #broadband #computers #digitalskills

Last updated 2 years ago

bbsshawnontwich · @bbsshawnontwitch
4 followers · 31 posts · Server

Hey everyone. Just to let you know I did find another Mastodon server that has accepted my Accessibility Matters radio show. If anyone wants to follow it and get news about anything to do with for you can follow it by searching @accmattersradio We look forward to seeing you there.

#accessibility #peoplewithdisabilities

Last updated 2 years ago

pablolarah · @pablolarah
122 followers · 917 posts · Server
Sculptressnblue · @SculptressNblue
7 followers · 4615 posts · Server
DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
626 followers · 289 posts · Server
Anne Fausto Sterling · @faustosterling
365 followers · 419 posts · Server

@smoke This is a pretty brilliant piece, or rather Prof. Flowers gave a pretty brilliant analysis of the inherent problems facing I recommend taking the time to read it.

#peopleOfColour #peoplewithdisabilities #BlackTwitter #disabilityjustice #technologynottheanswer #whitenessofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Victor Jara (Tribute) · @poetapeligroso
89 followers · 261 posts · Server

@TheBird After listening to Jonathan on the podcast the other day, I agree with everything he says but am puzzled as to why no mention of in this long thread.

OK but when this is framed solely in terms of BIPOC then it perpetuates exclusion of and doesn't firewall against any form of which though not really a problem here, at all, at this time, occasionally does interfere with a .

I understand that against is not a sufficient remedy for the contend with, but to the extent that others (not Jonathan) overtly discourage "yts" from dialogue we create a centrifugal force of exclusionary identity politics.

White people who express solidarity with are bombarded by hateful DMs. To then be told by some leaders of indigenous conversation on Mastodon to stay out of moderation discussions, don't offer suggestions is a bit put offish.

At least Jonathan is engaging in broad dialogue and not an insular "POC-only" silo, so that is cool.

#lgbt #lgbtqia #peoplewithdisabilities #aapi #nuerodivergent #blacknationalism #unitedfrontagainstfascism #resistance #fascism #oppression #bipoc #poc

Last updated 2 years ago

Hello to my journalistically incline friends. For newer newbies than I, here are my suggestions:

1st: Create your profile.
2nd: Write an introduction of yourself. Use lots of hash tags.
3rd: Always include a text description with your photos for or rather folks.
4th: Make it clear in your profile and first posts who you are where you are at so people will know you are safe and on the level - ie. not etc.

#peoplewithdisabilities #differentlyabled #racist #ablist #transphobic #homophobic

Last updated 2 years ago

James Purser · @purserj
208 followers · 897 posts · Server

New Tech and Disability post:

When the worlds of AI and disability meet we need to be careful how we strike the balance between safety and autonomy

#disability #peoplewithdisabilities #ai #machinelearning #healthcare

Last updated 4 years ago

James Purser · @purserj
208 followers · 897 posts · Server
James Purser · @purserj
208 followers · 897 posts · Server
James Purser · @purserj
208 followers · 897 posts · Server