… so I tried Canva’s magic replace and it was able to get closer BUT
instead of replacing the man with a woman, it replaced the man with a man AND a woman
(And for some reason I find this result hysterically funny)
Have access to Always Sunny in Philadelphia on Disney Plus after not watching the show for over a decade. I started a season around when I stopped watching weekly.
Turns out Season 4 episode 10 was the origin of the Pepe Silvia meme! I've seen this meme on social media for years but didn't know the episode or context for it.
Fun surprise.
#AlwaysSunny #asip #memes #pepesilvia
A Panel Shaped Screen: the confusing world of multimedia franchises - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/2okprqO97wY/ #APanelShapedScreen #FeaturedArticles #PepeSilvia #feature
#apanelshapedscreen #featuredarticles #pepesilvia #feature