I think we rediscovered #romanempire. This #blogpost is about a long time internal joke of ours. A side affect of living in #istanbul. Calling city with it's old names like #konstantiniye #Kalkedon #Pera we ended up deciding #Turkey is legally still Roman Empire.
#Turkey #pera #kalkedon #konstantiniye #istanbul #blogpost #romanempire
¿what if I told you? Do the best you can with what you have; leave things better than you found them:
#turkey #pera #lacosalimerick #五果f
L’ Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò Risponde al Prof. Marcello Pera | Il Corriere delle Regioni #arcivescovo #carlo #maria #viganò #risponde #prof #marcello #pera #corriere #regioni #16giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY29ycmllcmVyZWdpb25pLml0LzIwMjIvMDYvMTMvbGFyY2l2ZXNjb3ZvLWNhcmxvLW1hcmlhLXZpZ2Fuby1yaXNwb25kZS1hbC1wcm9mLW1hcmNlbGxvLXBlcmEv
#16giugno #regioni #Corriere #pera #marcello #prof #risponde #viganò #maria #carlo #arcivescovo
So... #dpd Fahrer erwischt wie er ohne klingeln gleich die Sachen in die Garage stellen wollte. Keine Ausrede parat. Kein Gefühl von erwischt worden sein. Noch nicht mal eine Ausrede. 🙄