Textbook costs add to the already overwhelming financial burden of higher education. CalMatters explores the possibility of free textbooks in California and the direct benefits these programs would have for students.
#Education #StudentDebt #Scholarships #CollegeOfAlameda #CommunityCollege #PeraltaCommunityCollegeDistrict
#Education #StudentDebt #scholarships #collegeofalameda #communitycollege #peraltacommunitycollegedistrict
The Peralta Community College District is looking for a new trustee to represent Area 2 (including Alameda). Are you the right candidate?
#Area2 #Brief #Alameda #Trustee #JobOpening #PeraltaCommunityCollegeDistrict
#area2 #brief #alameda #Trustee #jobopening #peraltacommunitycollegedistrict