Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: · @imdat
621 followers · 3275 posts · Server

Wow! After a really tough week work-wise, what a great day to start the weekend.

Finished a major milestone on / . Only two big work-packages left, all the others are minor topics. And this milestone was really huge with so many great enhancements.

But more importantly, after finishing work, I went to my - again.

But this time I was joined by two wonderful 15-year olds. One of them ("J") is a child of a very good friend of us and the other one ("F") is their closest friend.

I know "J" since their 2nd birthday so we know and like each other a lot. I had never met "F" before thus that was a bit of a question-mark.

Today was their last day at our place in Munich. Tomorrow morning they are both traveling back. In the meantime, I got to know "F" better and we realized we did like each other. She also isn't as shy as on the first day with us anymore.

Assuming they had a great time here and hoping to top it off with a nice dinner I invited them to my Happy Place for dinner (unfortunately, was/is still a bit sick, so she could not join us).

What a wonderful evening we three had: at one point at Pera "F" and "J' start laughing out loud. So, I asked what's up...
F: "I think the girl working here is really beautiful! But 'J' says I can't say someone is beautiful when they are a girl."
Me: "Why, J?"
J: "I didn't say that. Of course you can say they are beautiful, regardless of whether they are a girl or a boy!"
Me: "???"
F: "Well, I think - umm, - you know, I am bi, so that's maybe why J says so."
Me: "???"
F: "Oh, I am bi, you know, imdat, LGBTQ...?"
Me: "..."
F: (a bit hesitant now)"Well, you know, LGBTQ-parade? Yeah, I am, 'B'..."
Me: "You DO know WHAT I am, right? J? Didn't your Mom tell you?"
J: "What?"
(me takes out iphone, searches for definition of non-binary, shows them)
J: "Oh, yeah. Mom told me, yes. No problem, no worries..." (turns to F): "Yeah, imdat is non-binary" (hands over my phone to F; F starts reading, eyes get bigger and bigger - 😳😳😳)
F: "..."
... 😂😂😂 ...
Then the evening turned to an amazing, wonderful, gorgeous, awesome dinner + walk at the + sit at the Isar + dance to some music at the Isar + talk about difference between bi- and pansexuality especially wrt to cis and trans, about trixic, enbian, ...

"F" was so amazed to meet an "older trans non-binary", they completely opened up - to me and to "J" - and we three became probably friends forever: two 15-year old cis + 54-year old trans non-binary person (in case of "J", nobody really knows whether *they* are cis, trans, cis-bi, cis-pan, cis-...; I think not even they themselves know that yet, but atm, they seem to insist on being cis-het, though all the signs show otherwise...)

You probably guessed it: both are, according to them, cis female...

I don't think this was the last time they came to Munich😍

Oh, not to forget: I was then farewelled by one of my beloved friends (I call them friend now because we exchanged enough history to call each other friend) working at Pera with the words: "Come here you spirit of my soul" and a huge, huge hug...🥹

#cicero #ginlo_ii #happyplace #perameze #loveofmylife #isar #trans #beauty #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtqi

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
603 followers · 3000 posts · Server

I can use all of the hugs coming in my direction atm as I am barely able to hold myself together - neither body nor mind are very stable: I seem to have the flu for over a week now and since I was sick, I couldn't work and this means work is piling up, which also means I can't go on my planned slow-train journey beginning of May, which I really, really needed in order to stabilize my mind - which ... well, you get the picture...

Means, any hug "falling of the wagon/truck" will immediately be collected by me and used up asap.

Sometimes, it is really difficult to stay alive (nope, no worries) and not just fall apart (and all the politics going on in the world don't help either 😔)

No, no worries, I'll be ok - just switch to "Functioning Mode" for a few weeks and refuel with some awesome weekly calls with the two development teams (and maybe one or two [or three, or four] visits to every now and then).

#perameze #musings #tired #nothingimportant

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
570 followers · 2188 posts · Server

A wonderful day, including heated, but very civilized discussion towards the EOD here on Fedi about Fedi. Not too bad for a Friday…

Aaaaand, with that, you know the drill: Good night my lovely, lovely and my adored, cherished, deeply beloved of . Sleep well and dream a little dream of sugarplums and … heated discussions that end if harmonious disagreement, but where each side has learned something new and can then in the future shape their own opinion based on additional knowledge; with respect and plain old simple decency.

(… I wish I could tell you all what a wonderful talk I had today in with one of the people there; I wish I could transfer the love, the kindness, and the friendliness that filled our talk there; the three there… I so much love them - each in their own way…)

#newfriends #oldfriends #fediverse #goodnightfediverse #perameze

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
567 followers · 2149 posts · Server

… Since this was my day off, I also went to - yes, yes, I am there too often, but what I can say: I just *love* those people there. And my table at the corner was free, so, well.

Anyway, I had great fun there, had a lovely chat with one of the people working there who asked if they can sit at my table and have lunch with me - which was just awesome. We got so much closer and talked many private topics… it was just lovely.

Anyway, then he brought me a special drink which I didn’t know they had. I took a photo of it (s Attachment) and sent it (messenger) to and her sister with the comment: “Not telling where I am” (and no, I never had this glass or this kind of drink there before).

Answer from LoveOfMyLife? “I know where you are” - “Where? How?” - “Where: Pera Meze! How: I know that table and I especially know *you*!” 🥰


#perameze #loveofmylife #food #munich #dayoff

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
535 followers · 1649 posts · Server

What a great Saturday. Spent most of the day with , my SIL and MIL wandering through , eating lunch at and just enjoying a cold but sunny day.

I am going to bed early today as I am really tired.

With that, I wish you, my wonderful (including, including but not limited to @AlwaysAutumn and @Sym_Trkl ) and my (*including, but not limited to* @AlwaysAutumn and @Sym_Trkl ) of the a good night, sleep well and dream a little dream of sugarplums and … “May this be the year of getting [… a] compatible woman to swipe right, of learning to knit and bake bread, of writing more words and leaving my house more often to go out into the world and meet people face to face […] and being kinder to my body and maybe even growing some plants without killing them […]. May there be more love and happiness than angst and sadness. May I move forward in whatever tiny increments feel sustainable to me, and may I not insult and berate myself for every time I fail.”🥲🥹


#loveofmylife #munich #perameze #newfriends #oldfriends #fediverse #goodnightfediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
534 followers · 1625 posts · Server

Today, we again went to in . I really, really love it there (if I haven’t mentioned it before). Now there is a third person there, a young woman. And this is awesome. The way the three interact with each other and with the patrons is absolutely amazing. I immediately feel at home - whenever I come.

Today I went there with , my SIL and my MIL. And it was awesome.

#perameze #munich #loveofmylife

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
501 followers · 1026 posts · Server

I think after today, my wife is probably really going to put a sticker on me (or on all my clothes) saying: “Mine!”

She was, I believe, slightly not-so-amused that so many people looked at me today. Especially at where the people there were - according to what she thinks she saw in their faces - slightly disappointed that I didn’t come alone (or rather: that I came accompanied by who seem to be my wife)…

This happens more often lately: even though I *always, always* wear my very obvious wedding-ring and make it clear that “I am taken”, more people take a keen (romantic) interest in me and my wife gets … annoyed (correct term: jealous).

So, yeah, she’ll put a sticker on me: “Hands off! (This one is taken! Get your own enby!)”

(Yeah, we joke a lot about this, but sometimes there is a small seriousness in every joke - and I definitely don’t want to hurt her or, Mother Earth beware, loose her).

#perameze #trans #enby #nonbinary #relationship #love

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
500 followers · 984 posts · Server

So, now I have been on HRT for over a year and also changed a lot in my appearance. I am way more androgynous looking, or rather: a lot less masc, a lot more fem but in a way that is extremely confusing for other people.

The last couple of weeks there were so many people reacting to me - male, female, probably enby - and so many who were very, very obviously considering how to get me come with them… it was gorgeous.

Today, again, at in Munich; yesterday at our favorite Greek restaurant; a few days ago somewhere else - it is always the same: people are first confused, then it depends on their age-group:

- <12: they look at me, look away, look again and have a gorgeous smile showing a lot of understanding (“Children, their eyes open”)
- 12-16: just very, very confused; some stare with curious eyes, others look away
- 16-26: Look, look away, look again and then … smile - with a slight crush
- 26~35: very, very, very warm smile - sometimes a wink
- 35~60: Look away
- >60: look, look again, confused, irritated, then: enlightenment!! And smile…

Of course, I always look at them with a very warm, very understanding smile and sometimes I look at them and the moment we make eye-contact I start smiling towards them - and that changes everything…

For example, today: I am walking down the street with my wife and ever 20-30 meters there are people looking at us, looking at me and then immediately start smiling a gorgeous warm smile and some even winking at me… strangers I have never seen before. Very, very lovely (and my wife *absolutely* proud of me and having a partner who is “different” from all other people’s partners *and* proud of how she herself handles all this …)

It is amazing

This just shows: people are, in general, actually quite nice *and* interested in diversity. They, in general, *like* diversity - when they are not in a large group.

#perameze #trans #enby #nonbinary #munich

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
501 followers · 978 posts · Server

Sitting in again, in Gärtnerplatzviertel.

This time with - as usual fantastic food, great people 😍😍😍😍

And I am sooooooo ful 🥰

#perameze #munich #loveofmylife

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
465 followers · 459 posts · Server

There is this wonderful new-ish restaurant called “Pera Meze” in Munich, by “Ali Güngörmüş”. Just sitting there and having a great lunch.

I should do that more often, they are so lovely people and the food is beyond this world.

#perameze #aligungormus #meze #munich

Last updated 2 years ago