Many white cis male cultural workers are currently very concerned about being displaced by AI. On the other hand, they continue to feel it is oppressive to be asked to give up media space to people who are structurally kept out. (Say patriarchy is without saying patriarchy is).
She thought it was okay not to pay levies on super yachts in the EU if it meant confiscating superyachts in the EU.
#Superyachten #EU #SuperreicheEntreichen #EatTheRich #UmsehenLernen #PerceptionChange #PGExplaining
#pgexplaining #perceptionchange #umsehenlernen #eattherich #superreicheentreichen #eu #superyachten
"No, my darling, that we 'all breathe the same air' is just a riot-preventing figure of speech, air filters only exist in boarding schools for premium kids like you."
#Covid #Luftfilter #airfilter #UmsehenLernen #PerceptionChange #PGExplaining
#pgexplaining #perceptionchange #umsehenlernen #airfilter #Luftfilter #covid
"No, I do not practice a man's profession, but a human's profession."
#SpracheSchafftRealitäten #LanguageMatters #Sexismus #UmsehenLernen #PerceptionChange #PGExplaining
#pgexplaining #perceptionchange #umsehenlernen #sexismus #languagematters #spracheschafftrealitaten
This exhaustion of all was not due to Monday. Monday was a social construction. It was due to the structures, and Monday memes distracted from this perception.
#monday #MondayMeme#MondayMemes #PGExplaining #UmsehenLernen #PerceptionChange
#perceptionchange #umsehenlernen #pgexplaining #mondaymeme #monday
Do not get distracted again and again.
Climate activists ARE NOT the problem to which an urgent political response is needed.
Climate catastrophe IS the problem that needs urgent political response.
#pgexplaining #perceptionchange
Daily reminder: no style critique in resistance. Solidarity is the opposite of style critique.
#perceptionchange #pgexplaining
The most dangerous security problem in Germany and Austria at the moment is the state apparatus, which does not sufficiently ward off the climate catastrophe and which does not protect large parts of the population from life-threatening discrimination.
#perceptionchange #pgexplaining
Pre-Raphaelite girls knew: There is no lesser evil in the greater.
#pgexplaining #perceptionchange
Pre-Raphaelite Girls knew that whoever said, "Politics is always a compromise," in reality meant, "Party politics must always be a compromise."
Pre-Raphaelite Girls, however, also knew that climate policy in 2023 had to be uncompromising, so party politics proved too limited in that regard.
Uncompromising aka radical climate policy had to be implemented through global civil protest.
#ClimateChange #Climate #politics #Lutzerath #Luetzerath #PerceptionChange
#perceptionchange #luetzerath #Lutzerath #politics #climate #ClimateChange