Just found out that the #Percona MySQL #Operator, which deploys a Percona XtraDB/Galera Cluster on #Kubernetes quite nicely and sets up #ProxySQL to be able to split traffic between read and write queries, does not, actually, loadbalance over the nodes. There's a bug open since May 2021 which just disables this feature by providing incorrect config in ProxySQL. So this killer feature, which is still advertised in the docs, simply does not work at all. And there's no way to fix it manually.
#percona #operator #kubernetes #proxysql
Are you leveraging #Docker? Have you explored the benefits of #Podman? Discover the simplicity of transitioning & enhancing your workflow with diverse #environments. Check out this #openSUSE #conference talk by #Percona to learn more! https://youtu.be/A_fbjz0RWeI
#docker #podman #environments #opensuse #conference #percona
Friends in Belgrade! #Percona University is coming to you!
With other amazing speakers, our CTO Alexey Palazhchenko will speak about the solutions we provide at #FerretDB.
Learn more about the event + RSVP -- https://blog.ferretdb.io/meet-ferretdb-percona-university-casablanca-belgrade/
#percona #FerretDB #opensource #database
A leading provider of #OpenSource database solutions in on-premises and cloud environments, Percona is hiring professionals in database, security, marketing, and more. Browse all jobs now on #OSJobHub https://opensourcejobhub.com/company/339/ #jobs #career #database #security #marketing #PostgreSQL #MongoDB #MySQL #Percona
#opensource #OSJobHub #jobs #career #database #security #marketing #postgresql #mongodb #mysql #percona
#Percona Xtrabackup for #MySQL 8.0.32 was released only 41 days after the upstream Oracle MySQL release! This is a new record. Very proud of the team that worked on this.
#opensource #databases #backup
#percona #mysql #opensource #databases #backup
Feedback Wanted! We are considering changing the EXPLAIN statement in #Percona Server for #MySQL to require fewer privileges for providing execution plans for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements (and possibly changing the behavior for EXPLAIN SELECT as well). What are your thoughts?
#percona #mysql #opensource #databases #monitoring
that thing sets you up with a web server, redis, mysql (or is it #mariadb? is that still a thing? why not #percona! knock yourself out), some office thing (#collabora?), an imaginary thing (presumably not literal), backups and AV. the full mounty. that's the Way.
#Percona Server and Distribution for #MySQL 8.0.31 have been released, including countless bug fixes and improvements.
#percona #mysql #opensource #databases
#Percona XtraBackup 8.0.31-24 has been released, now supporting IAM instance profiles when running xbcloud from EC2 instances.
#opensource #databases #backup #mysql #aws #s3
#percona #opensource #databases #backup #mysql #aws #s3
When running mysqldump to create a backup from a #MySQL, #Percona or #MariaDB database, the default output is a non-compressed data dump of the #database. By adding on-the-fly compression, the resulting dump file can be significantly reduced.
However finding the right #compression method isn't always easy.
In our latest #blog post we are comparing different compression methods - with a surprising (lesser known) winner.
#blog #compression #database #mariadb #percona #MySQL
If you have missed it, the #Percona website has received a long overdue remake and new branding. I like the new logo and product artwork! Kudos to the team that worked on this intensively over the last few months.
Peter Zaitsev is taking us for a Deep Dive Into Query #Performance at the completely packed #FOSDEM #PostgreSQL #devroom #database #opensource #postgres #PeterZaitsev #Percona
#performance #fosdem #postgresql #devroom #database #opensource #postgres #peterzaitsev #percona
Controversial blog post by Peter Zaitsev from #Percona:
Why #PostgreSQL Needs Transparent #Database #Encryption (TDE)
#percona #postgresql #database #encryption #opensource
@mgorny honestly I’ll take #Galera multi-master backup over “hand-crafted” multi-master replication any day. That said, backups were slightly more difficult to setup. In my experience #Percona #Xtrabackup worked best — it can do full backups off of one node super fast and compressed for free. Ideally you’ve got three nodes and take one out from the cluster by setting wsrep thingies to desync it before backup is being performed 👌🏻
Percona’s Dave Stokes takes a look at MySQL 8.0.32 to see what is new, changed, and deprecated in this release.
#mysql #opensource #percona #databases
"The old myth that MySQL can’t handle large datasets is nothing but a myth. With hardware being more powerful and cheaper, and the technology evolving, now it is easier than ever to manage large tables in MySQL."
#mysql #opensource #databases #percona #blog #performance
#mysql #opensource #databases #percona #blog #performance
Join us today at 15:30 UTC / 16:30 CET to learn more about securing your data using PostgreSQL!
Edith Puclla, Mario García, Ibrar Ahmed, and Kai Wagner will discuss database security at the monthly Percona Developer Meetup!
#opensource #databases #postgresql #security #percona #meetup
#opensource #databases #postgresql #security #percona #meetup
New on the Percona Community Blog: How To Generate Test Data for Your Database Project With Python by Mauro García
#opensource #databases #MongoDB #python #mysql #Percona #blog #community
#opensource #databases #mongodb #python #mysql #percona #blog #community