🎉 Guess what arrived yesterday?🎉
The wonderful folks at Ingram Spark have sent me my own personal copies of Curse of Perdition. The feeling of seeing my books in print never gets old. These books represent many months of hard work, and it makes me so happy to actually hold the finished product in my hands.
If you’d like to pre-order a copy for yourself, please head over to my website 👇 choose your format, and click the link. You can also learn more about the story by clicking on the book.
✨ Official Release Day is 18th February✨
Thank you all for your support so far, I can’t wait for you all to read this one!
#NewBook #CurseOfPerdition #PreOrder #ShanLScott #historical #crime #noir #AntiHero #curse #horror #thriller #perdition #AncientEgypt #history #apocalypse #writing #author #books #WritingCommunity #brisbane #queensland #australia
#newbook #curseofperdition #preorder #shanlscott #historical #crime #noir #antihero #curse #horror #thriller #perdition #ancientegypt #history #apocalypse #writing #author #books #writingcommunity #brisbane #queensland #australia
J’ai découvert cette antre de débauche à Bordeaux. #je suisfoutue #perdition #Foxyetlachocolaterie
#je #perdition #foxyetlachocolaterie