Guten Morgen, bei 0°C und keine Aussicht auf mehr wird es ein trüber Sa.
Das #Kalenderblatt: 1985 wird Michael #Gorbatschow Generalsekretär der #KPdSU und 1990 letztes Staatsoberhaupt der Sowjetunion.
Die Worte #Glasnost und #Perestroika werden zum Sinnbild einer Entsspannung der Ost-West-Beziehungen und Rückzugs der Politik aus der Wirtschaft.
Einer der größten Irrtümer:
Den Satz «Кто опаздывает, того наказывает жизнь.» (wer zu spät kommt, bestraft das Leben), hat er nie gesagt.
#perestroika #glasnost #kpdsu #Gorbatschow #kalenderblatt
Man, this is the second time in a short while I see #Reagan framed as an engineer of the German reunification. Sorry, The first to kind of kick-off that kind of liberalisation behind the Iron Curtain where Solidarnosc. Accompanied by the general idea of #Glasnost and #Perestroika in the USSR in the late 80s. Then the Hungarian border 'fell' and people in East Germany started to protest for reform. It kinda fell into the hands of the then-leaders of the West but it wasn't their doing.
#reagan #glasnost #perestroika
#AtomicWar #AtomicBomb #Doomsday #DoomsdayClock #Briefing 126 #Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkrainianWar #Propaganda #CubaCrises #VietnamWar #Perestroika #Glasnost #BerlinWall #StartI #StartII #Disarmament #Freedom #Menace
90 Sekunden bis zum Weltuntergang | Briefing 126 | #Geopolitik, #Krieg #Atomkrieg #War #AtomicBomb
#atomicwar #atomicbomb #doomsday #doomsdayclock #briefing #russia #ukraine #russiaukrainianwar #propaganda #cubacrises #vietnamwar #perestroika #glasnost #berlinwall #starti #startii #disarmament #freedom #menace #geopolitik #krieg #atomkrieg #war
The #Russia is seeking the closure of the country’s oldest human rights watchdog, the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG), amid a Kremlin campaign to muzzle criticism of the war in #Ukraine. From the moment of its organization, the group was subjected to constant harassment and pressure, its members were arrested, expelled from the country, and deprived of Soviet citizenship. The organization recreated the office in Moscow in 1989, during #perestroika. @rferl #ColdWar
#russia #ukraine #perestroika #coldwar
11. Oleg Teptsov. Mister Designer (1988) *
12. Pavel Lungin. Taxi Blues (1990) **
13. Valeriu Jereghi. Dissident (1988) ***
14. Boris Kvashnev. American Boy (1992)
* English subtitles
** Auto-generated subtitles
*** No subtitles :( It was a co-production thought, so there probably is a subtitled version somewhere.
7. Sergey Ovcharov. It (1989) **
8. Vladimir Hotinenko. Makarov (1993) **
9. Georgiy Daneliya. Nastya (1993) *
10. Juris Podnieks. Is It Easy to Be Young? (1986, documentary) *
14 movies from (long) Perestroika you should probably check out.
1. Nikita Tyagunov. Leg (1991) **
2. Nikolay Dostal. Cloud-Paradise (1990) *
3. Valery Ogorodikov. Burglar (1987) **
4. Ivan Okhlobystin. Arbiter (1992) **
5. Kosnstantin Lopushansky, Yury German. Dead Man's Letters (1986) *
6. Yury Mamin. Sideburns (1990) **
Negli anni '90 un gruppo di sviluppatori #russi pubblicò #Perestroika, gioco per DOS ispirato alle politiche di #Gorbaciov:
#Gorbaciov #perestroika #russi
#amarcord: in the 90s a bunch of #Russian developers released #Perestroika, DOS game inspired by #Gorbachev's policies
If you wish to rediscover the difficulty of surviving in a world of ever-changing laws, chased by bureaucrats in the transition from #communism to #democracy, you can play the archived version of the game on
#democracy #communism #Gorbachev #perestroika #russian #amarcord
Dass Michail #Gorbatschow in unterschiedlichen Ländern sehr unterschiedlich gesehen wird, verstehe ich.
Für mich ist das Highlight vor allem die #Abrüstung, gerade auch von #Atomwaffen und dass der #EiserneVorhang gefallen ist.
Und der #Reformkommunismus mit #Glasnost und #Perestroika hat durch interessante Elemente in sich.
#gorbatschow #abrüstung #atomwaffen #EiserneVorhang #Reformkommunismus #glasnost #perestroika
#pace #disarmo
Addio a Mikhail #Gorbaciov, l'ultimo leader dell'#Urss. Il padre della #perestroika è morto a 91 anni - Mondo - ANSA
#perestroika #urss #Gorbaciov #disarmo #PACE
È morto Mikhail #Gorbaciov: aveva 91 anni, aveva chiuso la #guerrafredda e sognato un mondo in pace, e ci lascia tra venti di guerra
#perestroika #glasnost
#glasnost #perestroika #guerrafredda #Gorbaciov