This interview with Tim LeBon on 80k Hours Podcast gave me a big emotional boost...
I couldn't figure out why, because I'm not at all a #perfectionist. But looking deeper I realized that it just filled me with calm to know there were so many people out there like this. Really good people that value doing good and being good, more than anything else... And how its OK to fall short... people will still support you
#Humanity #altruism #beingwell #wellbeing #perfectionist
How to draw and render a weapon:
1. Draw the line art
2. Add the base colour(s)
3. Add shadows and blend
4. Add highlights and blend
5. Screw around with shadows and highlights for the next 30 minutes until you've convinced yourself it looks okay??
6. Tell yourself to LEAVE IT ALONE AND MOVE ON.
(Optional - 7. Cry)
#artisthumour #artistproblems #howto #idontknowwhatimdoing #rendering #drawing #perfectionist
#perfectionist #drawing #rendering #idontknowwhatimdoing #howto #artistproblems #artisthumour
Gone down the Kubrick rabbit hole. Love great cinema? This is a must watch. #StanleyKubrick #Movie #Film #Acting #Art #Perfectionist #FullMetalJacket
#stanleykubrick #movie #film #acting #art #perfectionist #fullmetaljacket
In my day job, I work with a team of #editors whose collaboration I find invaluable. My #blog, however, is all me.
My #perfectionist nature cringes at sharing my #unedited #writings, but here goes...
If you want to read my two cents about #sustainability and how the #SustainabilityMovement can be less rigid and exclusive, give this post a glance. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
#SlowSustainability #WritersCommunity #blog #blogging #BloggingCommunity
#editors #blog #perfectionist #unedited #writings #sustainability #sustainabilitymovement #slowsustainability #writerscommunity #blogging #bloggingcommunity
I hate being such a #perfectionist ... I'm trying to make a thing for my dentist who is graduating dental school in May and who is the best dentist ever. I'm about a dozen rows into a fairly ambitious project (considering how new I am to weaving), and I just want to rip it all out and start over bc earlier rya loops are too small and you can't see them and maybe I want to do shag instead of loops anyway and ... sometimes my brain is exhausting
#perfectionist #fiberuary #weaving
This is very true.
I'm a #Perfectionist and I like to be able to do everything perfectly, which of course simply isn't possible as a human being.
As a result I like to think through all eventualities, and have a course of action that has been thought of.
Some can just #GoWithTheFlow, and hope for the best, but certainly not me.
Being #ActuallyAutistic doesn't exactly help matters either.
#perfectionist #Gowiththeflow #actuallyautistic
What kind of #perfectionist are you?
Selected a non-metal cover song for Triskelyon album #2 (so I can metalize it). It's a simple song but the little lead melody/solo in it is deceptively simple. The timing and patter is so unlike what I usually do its making be feel like a giant dummy. I will persevere tho, even tho it will take 500 takes! lol! #Guitar #GuitaristProblems #Perfectionist #Frustration
#frustration #perfectionist #guitaristproblems #guitar
Easier said than done. 😟
I'm a perfectionist. Unless I know I can handle every conceivable outcome, I will not be satisified, and therefore I worry that my best isn't good enough.
Believe people, when they tell you about themselves.
#100 #percent #perfectionist #retaliatory #petty #absolute #caution
#percent #perfectionist #retaliatory #petty #absolute #caution
"Sometimes 'Done' is a feature."
I've got this one down pretty well for professional projects with real deadlines.
Home is a different story. 🙃 #perfectionist
Käsis lähetetty taas kustille ja olen jo nyt siihen tyytymätön. Noh, onhan tässä vielä yksi mahdollisuus korjata kaikki tällä hetkellä kammottavilta tuntuvat virheensä.
I'm never truly content with my writing. Just near enough. That's my secret.
#perfectionist #kirjailijaelamaa #amwriting
Is there any instance for perfectionists?
#perfectionism #完璧主義 #悩み #相談 #perfectionist #fedibird #完璧主義者 #インスタンス
I think my chances to get sleep tonight are gone...
My perfectionism makes me frustrated, because everything has to be so damn... PERFECT! Argh!
At least I hope I got everything in order, so I don't have to make anymore adjustments to ANY of these.
#aspergers #asperger #adhd #perfectionist #perfectionism #autistic #autism
@thelittledeath @bookstodon Few things pain me more than turning back to a brief I drafted and filed and finding a typo or formatting error when it's too late to fix. #Perfectionist #Writer #LegalWriter #Lawyer
#perfectionist #writer #legalwriter #lawyer
@KaSaPo For me it goes beyond typos--if I re-read it and see a way it could be worded better it's hard to avoid hitting that Edit button!! #Perfectionist #Writer #Edit
If you see a comment of mine as "edited" in your feed - it' most likely you favourited it, I saw it in my notifications, saw a typo, I couldn't unsee it and...had to edit 😅
My GOD by the time I'm done with my #WIP #firstDraft , I'll have read the content so many times I'll be so sick and tired of my main characters that I'll be planning to put them through hell and back in the next installment just to spite them! 😤
#amWriting #amEditing #perfectionist #impostorSyndrome #writingFantasy #fantasy #writersOfMastodon #writing #sendHelp
#sendhelp #writing #writersofmastodon #fantasy #writingfantasy #impostorsyndrome #perfectionist #amediting #amwriting #firstdraft #wip
My GOD by the time I'm done with my #WIP #firstDraft , I'll have read the content so many times I'll be so sick and tired of my main characters that I'll be planning to put them through hell and back in the next installment just to spite them! 😤
#amWriting #amEditing #perfectionist #impostorSyndrome #writingFantasy #fantasy #writersOfMastodon #writing #sendHelp
#sendhelp #writing #writersofmastodon #fantasy #writingfantasy #impostorsyndrome #perfectionist #amediting #amwriting #firstdraft #wip
Are you any good at embracing your flaws? I'm a died-in-the-wool #perfectionist and I get really cross when I stuff something up.
Here's a little story about a single drip that encapsulates just how flawed a girl can be.
#Imperfection #WasiSabi #Kintsugi #Perfectionism
Image description: Water condensation on black glass.
#perfectionist #imperfection #wasisabi #kintsugi #perfectionism