Also, wenn ich nicht schon längst begeisterter Nutzer von @filmfriendVOD wäre, dann würde ich JETZT einsteigen! Was für ein geiles Programm!
#Eolomea #DerSchweigendeStern #UnderTheSkin #TheWhisperingStar #TheHost #PerfectSense #Snowpiercer uva.
#snowpiercer #perfectsense #thehost #thewhisperingstar #UnderTheSkin #derschweigendestern #eolomea
Of course, the student gave away one detail (SPOILER ALERT). The film Perfect Sense takes seriously the loss of the sense of hearing, so the music disappears during the last 15 minutes of the film...
This is, of course, on my watch list -- after I finish the rewrite on my current R&R
#PandemicMusic #pandemic #music #PandemicFilms #PerfectSense #IHaveAList #StudentProjects #TeachingJoys
#pandemicmusic #pandemic #music #pandemicfilms #perfectsense #ihavealist #studentprojects #teachingjoys
Another pandemic film that I've yet to see is Perfect Sense, but the student made it seem very cool. R-rated, though, and evidently some "ick" sit through, so caution is advised.
The premise of the film is that the disease gradually takes away senses after a period of intense emotion. The music of grief, again, teaches well, and the loss of taste that follows is eerily akin to Covid
#PandemicMusic #pandemic #music #PandemicFilms #PerfectSense #IHaveAList #StudentProjects #TeachingJoys
#pandemicmusic #pandemic #music #pandemicfilms #perfectsense #ihavealist #studentprojects #teachingjoys