She's a 10 but she doesn't want Chuck Panama and Harriette Winslow from Perfect Strangers to kiss. #PerfectStrangers #ChuckPanama #MichaelDeLano #HarrietteWinslow #JoMariePayton
#perfectstrangers #chuckpanama #michaeldelano #harriettewinslow #jomariepayton
The whole internet just wants Fat Jack and Ghost of Chester Bainbridge from Perfect Strangers to hook up. #PerfectStrangers #FatJack #TonyLongo #GhostofChesterBainbridge #PeterJason
#perfectstrangers #fatjack #tonylongo #ghostofchesterbainbridge #peterjason
Marvin Berman and Darla Wayne are the OTP from Perfect Strangers. Don't @ me. #PerfectStrangers #MarvinBerman #GeorgeWyner #DarlaWayne #TeresaBowman
#perfectstrangers #marvinberman #georgewyner #darlawayne #teresabowman
Who doesn't ship Leoiss (Leon and Miss Wiggans) from Perfect Strangers? #PerfectStrangers #Leon #LeeArenberg #MissWiggans #SueRihr
#perfectstrangers #leon #leearenberg #misswiggans #suerihr
We literally stan Sam Gorpley and Officer Cole from Perfect Strangers. #PerfectStrangers #SamGorpley #SamAnderson #OfficerCole #GaryLahti
#perfectstrangers #samgorpley #samanderson #officercole #garylahti
When are Mary Anne Spencer and Marco Madison from Perfect Strangers going to canoodle already, amirite gang? #PerfectStrangers #MaryAnneSpencer #RebecaArthur #MarcoMadison #ScottMarlowe
#perfectstrangers #maryannespencer #rebecaarthur #marcomadison #scottmarlowe
Just flirt with each other already Dr. Tierney and Susan Campbell from Perfect Strangers. #PerfectStrangers #DrTierney #WilliamDenis #SusanCampbell #LiseCutter
#perfectstrangers #drtierney #williamdenis #susancampbell #lisecutter
Why don’t you just get a hotel room in a hotel already, Marcel the Maitre 'd and Bunky McDermott from Perfect Strangers? #PerfectStrangers #MarceltheMaitred #MiltonJames #BunkyMcDermott #MarkNeely
#perfectstrangers #marcelthemaitred #miltonjames #bunkymcdermott #markneely
OMG! We just want Florence Henderson and Rob Bob Phillips from Perfect Strangers to snuggle already! #PerfectStrangers #FlorenceHenderson #KimAlexander #RobBobPhillips #LeslieJordan
#perfectstrangers #florencehenderson #kimalexander #robbobphillips #LeslieJordan
For no clear reason I can think of, this has been on a loop in my brain for the last couple of hours.
TV theme songs had a golden age in the 80’s…
#earworm #80stv #perfectstrangers
📺 December, 1987: ABC aired #PerfectStrangers on Wednesdays before #HeadOfTheClass. Against it, CBS had #TheOldestRookie while NBC aired #HighwayToHeaven.
#perfectstrangers #headoftheclass #theoldestrookie #highwaytoheaven #80stv #comedy #sitcom
#PerfectStrangers s3e12 (1987) - 8/10
1️⃣ The boys are cast in a tv commercial and the best part of this episode is Larry rehearsing at home with Balki and - of course - demolishing his performance with well-meaning nonsense.
2️⃣ As well as comedy, the episode delivers a lovely heartwarming epilogue. The guys are so good at this, so sincere in these heart-to-heart chats.
3️⃣ According to IMDb users, this is the 11th best episode of the series.
Mr. Wainright and Skitch Henderson from Perfect Strangers is the awesomest ship. Obviously. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 #PerfectStrangers #MrWainright #FJONeil #SkitchHenderson #MichaelAyr
#perfectstrangers #mrwainright #fjoneil #skitchhenderson #michaelayr
Not anyone:
Absolutely nobody:
Just hook up already Larry lookalike and Duke Lyle from Perfect Strangers. #PerfectStrangers #Larrylookalike #DonStallings #DukeLyle #TerenceGoodman
#perfectstrangers #larrylookalike #donstallings #dukelyle #terencegoodman
Not one individual:
Absolutely not anybody:
Just cuddle already Jimmy and Harry Burns from Perfect Strangers. #PerfectStrangers #Jimmy #JimDoughan #HarryBurns #EugeneRoche
#perfectstrangers #jimmy #jimdoughan #harryburns #eugeneroche
3️⃣ And, through it all, the amazing chemistry between #BronsonPinchot and #MarkLinnBaker shines through.
4️⃣ Early on, the four regulars are shown watching and discussing a #Moonlighting episode, and #BruceWillis. Later, during the break-in, the guys do a verbal routine exactly like the ones in the private eye show.
📺 December, 1987: ABC aired #PerfectStrangers on Wednesdays before #HeadOfTheClass. Against it, CBS had #TheOldestRookie while NBC aired #HighwayToHeaven.
#bronsonpinchot #marklinnbaker #moonlighting #brucewillis #perfectstrangers #headoftheclass #theoldestrookie #highwaytoheaven #80stv #comedy
#PerfectStrangers s3e11 (1987) - 9/10
Very funny.
1️⃣ After Larry's mean-spirited parody article is left on the publisher's desk by mistake (by Balki!), the boys must break into his office during the night.
2️⃣ This is a really full episode. Early scenes revolve around the morality of jokes at the expense of others. The mid-section has some glorious physical comedy. In the end, the boys are on a ledge outside the building with a man contemplating suicide.
The thought of Fire Chief Newton and Roger Morgan from Perfect Strangers looking deeply into each other's eyes is giving us life! #PerfectStrangers #FireChiefNewton #RonDean #RogerMorgan #JamesGreene
#perfectstrangers #firechiefnewton #rondean #rogermorgan #jamesgreene
#PerfectStrangers s3e10 (1987) - 6/10
❝Balki, ever since we got cable you spend all night watching TV and eating junk food.❞
1️⃣ It’s a thin story idea, but they manage to generate some decent physical comedy. Fighting over the remote, etc.
2️⃣ Several classic TV shows are referenced and/or heard on the TV: #TheBradyBunch, #TheFlyingNun, #IDreamOfJeannie, #LeaveItToBeaver, #MisterEd, and #SeaHunt.
📺 My 545th #TVReview of 2023. Averaging 2h10m of TV every day.
#perfectstrangers #thebradybunch #theflyingnun #idreamofjeannie #leaveittobeaver #mistered #seahunt #tvreview #80stv #comedy
Mr. 'Bobo' Endicott and Mr. Jones from Perfect Strangers should absolutely cuddle! #PerfectStrangers #MrBoboEndicott #NormanBartold #MrJones #PeterCrombie
#perfectstrangers #mrboboendicott #normanbartold #mrjones #petercrombie