Vito Acconci: Corrections, 1970. Performance with video closed-circuit. Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art seit 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia. Munich 2001, p. 347-349. PDF: #vitoacconci #thomasdreher #performanceart #performanceartist #performanceartists #performanceartwork #performanceartworks #performancearts #videoclosedcircuit #closedcircuit #performanceclosedcircuit #museumofconceptualart #bodyart
#bodyart #museumofconceptualart #performanceclosedcircuit #closedcircuit #videoclosedcircuit #performancearts #performanceartworks #performanceartwork #performanceartists #performanceartist #performanceart #thomasdreher #vitoacconci
Jiro Yoshihara: Two Rooms, performance, Gutai - Art on Stage, Sankai Kaiman, Tokyo 7/17/1957. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art nach 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia. Munich 2001, p.82f. PDF: #jiroYoshihara #thomasdreher #gutai #performanceart #performanceartist #performanceartists #japanart #japaneseart #japaneseartwork #performanceartists #actionart #artandaction #performanceartworks #GutaiArt #gutaiartist #gutaiartists #performer #happenings
#happenings #performer #gutaiartists #gutaiartist #gutaiart #performanceartworks #artandaction #ActionArt #japaneseartwork #JapaneseArt #japanart #performanceartists #performanceartist #performanceart #gutai #thomasdreher #jiroyoshihara
Allan Kaprow: Calling, New York and South Brunswick/New Jersey, 8/21-22/1965. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art nach 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia. Munich 2001, p.97-100. PDF:
#allankaprow #happening #performanceart #performanceartist #performanceartwork #performanceartworks #happenings #arthappening #arthappenings
#arthappenings #arthappening #happenings #performanceartworks #performanceartwork #performanceartist #performanceart #happening #allankaprow
Wolf Vostell: in ulm, um ulm und um ulm herum - 24 blurred events at 24 places of the city. Ulmer Theater at Wagnerschule and other places, 11/7/1964. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art nach 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia, Munich 2001, p.98f. PDF:
#wolfvostell #thomasdreher #happening #happenings #performanceart #performanceartist #performanceartists #performanceartwork #performanceartworks #kunstinulm #studiofulm #fluxus #fluxusart
#fluxusart #Fluxus #studiofulm #kunstinulm #performanceartworks #performanceartwork #performanceartists #performanceartist #performanceart #happenings #happening #thomasdreher #WolfVostell