As Emirati artist, filmmaker and poet Nujoom AlGhanem speaks about the beginnings of performance art in the UAE, she talks about how Hassan Sharif was inspired by the book Performance: Live Art Since 1960 by (NYU faculty and) Performa curator RoseLee Goldberg.
At #SteppingForward: Performance Practice and Research, Here. x #alserkalartsfoundation x #nyuabudhabi
#culture #uae #arts #performancehistory #nyuabudhabi #alserkalartsfoundation #steppingforward
Just going to throw a bunch of hashtags here to lead you to the two posts about the #BeyondShakespeare project. Scroll up if this where you land #drama #theatre #theater #EarlyModernPlays #Renaissance #RenaissanceDrama #MedievalDrama #TheaterHistory #TheatreHistory #PerformanceHistory
#BeyondShakespeare #drama #theatre #theater #earlymodernplays #renaissance #RenaissanceDrama #medievaldrama #TheaterHistory #theatrehistory #performancehistory