I almost forgot about this sketch! This was an idea I had to combine my current designs (Steampunk) with my past designs (Gothic Belly dance) and create kind of a fun steampunk dancing looks! #steampunkinspired #performerlife #costumedesign #fashionsketches #neovictorian #auralynne
#steampunkinspired #performerlife #costumedesign #fashionsketches #neovictorian #auralynne
Just one more day to submit your abstracts for 'Music Ex Machina: Methods and Methodologies for Technology-Centred Practice-Based Research in Contemporary Music' - deadline tomorrow! Details here: https://www.cyborgsoloists.com/call-for-papers-2023 #practiceasresearch #practicebasedresearch #callforpapers #artisticresearch #composerlife #performerlife #musictech #musicandtechnology #phdlife
#practiceasresearch #practicebasedresearch #callforpapers #artisticresearch #composerlife #performerlife #musictech #musicandtechnology #phdlife
Made a test 'Cake Piece' cake today because it's been a while. J swiped a spoonful of mix from the bowl early enough in the process to possibly have thrown out the proportions, I nearly forgot to double the amount of buttermilk, then once it was in the oven, I realised I'd failed to buy cream cheese (for frosting) yesterday but by then the shops were closed. Also the test cakes have come out rather flatter than I recall. This is why practice exists... #rehearsal #composerlife #performerlife
#performerlife #composerlife #rehearsal