Check Point acquisce Perimeter 81 e si rafforza nella edge security
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ha chiuso un accordo per l’acquisizione della startup israeliana Perimeter 81, rafforzando cosi’ a propria presenza...
#CheckPointSoftwareTechnologies #Perimeter81 #edgesecurity
#checkpointsoftwaretechnologies #perimeter81 #edgesecurity
How to Update Your Remote Access Policy – And Why You Should Now - Reducing the risks of remote work starts with updating the access policies of yesterday. #cybersecurityrisks #remoteaccesspolicy #vulnerabilities #passwordmanager #infosecinsider #cloudsecurity #cybersecurity #securityaudit #singlesignon #workfromhome #websecurity #amitbareket #perimeter81 #remotework #zerotrust
#zerotrust #remotework #perimeter81 #amitbareket #websecurity #workfromhome #singlesignon #securityaudit #cybersecurity #cloudsecurity #infosecinsider #passwordmanager #vulnerabilities #remoteaccesspolicy #cybersecurityrisks