‘I had got to a dark place’: #NHS project helps #mothers in #Wales cope with life after birth
#MumsMatter courses teach #MentalHealth tools and offer peer support for those overwhelmed by negative thoughts
#PerinatalMentalHealth #NHSWales #Health
#health #nhswales #perinatalmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mumsmatter #wales #mothers #nhs
Cont.. I did realise I was caught with time and did not send in my appreciation.
This training was very helpful and i am hopeful to put it into practice in my home country.
Thank you once again for this opportunity and looking for more collaborations in the near future."
Mark your calendars for October 7, 2023 for the next Screening Symposium!
#pregnancy #birth #postpartum #maternal #perinatal #maternal #maternalhealth #maternalmentalhealth #perinatalmentalhealth #depression #anxiety
#pregnancy #birth #postpartum #maternal #perinatal #maternalhealth #maternalmentalhealth #perinatalmentalhealth #Depression #anxiety
This is me. Owner and CEO of Ingram Screening in 2004 - pretending to be fine. Meanwhile, a kidney stone was backing up the urine in my left kidney causing excruciating pain and I was suffering with #postpartum #anxiety
I was never screened. Hence, my business Ingram Screening where I consult #providers and #clinics on screening best practices so those who come behind me don't have to needlessly suffer. #pregnancy #birth #maternal #PerinatalMentalHealth
#postpartum #anxiety #providers #clinics #pregnancy #birth #maternal #perinatalmentalhealth
This. I didn't suffer (x3) and consider taking my life for nothing! Hence, Ingram Screening! I was never screened for Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) issues and screening would have been a lifeline - so I created a system for #providers and #clinics that would have saved me years of suffering and guilt.
#pregnancy #birth #postpartum #maternal #perinatal #PerinatalMentalHealth
#providers #clinics #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #maternal #perinatal #perinatalmentalhealth
Did you know?
We are the ONLY consulting firm focused specifically on screening for #perinatal #mood & #anxiety #disorders PMADs? We are looking to expand @med-mastodon.com
Based in #oregon but available via teleconsulting
#educating & #training #providers and #clinics on screening for PMADs including the creation of a Policy and Procedures manual.
#pregnancy #birth #postpartum #PerinatalMentalHealth #maternal
#perinatal #mood #anxiety #disorders #oregon #educating #training #providers #clinics #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #perinatalmentalhealth #maternal
RT @m_zimmermann_
📣Come work with us at @LifelineforMoms & Lifeline for Families Center @UMassChan @UMass_SPARC! #hiring 2-year, research-focused #postdoc position focused on integrating #mentalhealth into #obgyn and #pediatric settings https://www.ummsjobs.com/job/8720/
#hiring #postdoc #mentalhealth #obgyn #pediatric #phd #perinatalmentalhealth
Follow us for all things Maternal Mental Health related! #Maternal #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #Perinatal #PerinatalMentalHealth #PerinatalServices #PerinatalMentalHealthOrganizations #ReproductiveSexualHealth
#maternal #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #perinatal #perinatalmentalhealth #perinatalservices #perinatalmentalhealthorganizations #reproductivesexualhealth
This is the "Galaxy of Motherhood" that we Commissioned for Ingram Screening - she's a 3' x 4' canvas painting. There is an activity sheet for FREE download on our website using her as a guide. We will be taking her on tour beginning in Oregon and Washington beginning in January. www.ingramscreening.com
#Pregnancy #birth #postpartum #maternal #perinatal #PerinatalMentalHealth #EPDS #PHQ9 #PASS #MDQ #GAD7
#pregnancy #birth #postpartum #maternal #perinatal #perinatalmentalhealth #epds #phq9 #pass #mdq #gad7
#MedMastodon Just the facts part 3. #PerinatalMentalHealth #Maternal #Paternal #Parental #Pregnancy #Postpartum #Depression #Anxiety #Perinatal
#MedMastodon #perinatalmentalhealth #maternal #paternal #parental #pregnancy #postpartum #Depression #anxiety #perinatal
#MedMastodon Just the facts part 2. #PerinatalMentalHealth #Maternal #Paternal #Parental #Pregnancy #Postpartum #Depression #Anxiety #Perinatal
#MedMastodon #perinatalmentalhealth #maternal #paternal #parental #pregnancy #postpartum #Depression #anxiety #perinatal
#MedMastodon Just the facts part 1. #PerinatalMentalHealth #Maternal #Paternal #Parental #Pregnancy #Postpartum #Depression #Anxiety #Perinatal
#MedMastodon #perinatalmentalhealth #maternal #paternal #parental #pregnancy #postpartum #Depression #anxiety #perinatal
#PerinatalMentalHealth #Maternal #Paternal #Parental #Pregnancy #Postpartum #Depression #Anxiety #Perinatal #AdoptionAgencies #BirthingCenters #Chiropractors #CountyHealthClinics #Doulas #EmergencyRoomStaff #LactationConsultants #IBCLC #LaborDeliveryNurses #LaborDeliveryUnits #Midwives #Naturopathic #ObstetricsGynecology #OBGYN #Perinatalogists #Pediatricians #PrimaryCarePhysicians #SurrogacyCenters #Therapists #Acupuncturists #CentersForDiseaseControl #CDC #ChildbirthEducators
#perinatalmentalhealth #maternal #paternal #parental #pregnancy #postpartum #Depression #anxiety #perinatal #adoptionagencies #birthingcenters #chiropractors #countyhealthclinics #doulas #emergencyroomstaff #lactationconsultants #ibclc #labordeliverynurses #labordeliveryunits #midwives #naturopathic #obstetricsgynecology #obgyn #perinatalogists #pediatricians #primarycarephysicians #surrogacycenters #therapists #acupuncturists #centersfordiseasecontrol #cdc #childbirtheducators