Until now, the place I have seen people being most relaxed about menstruation is #Spain.
At work, also the non-menstruating folks get aware about the periods of their colleagues because when going to lunch and asking"How are you?" a totally normal answer can be "Today I am a little bit unwell because of my period".
The cultural difference to other countries such as Germany or the UK is enormous. The normalization of menstruation removes a lot of pressure and awkwardness.
#spain #menstruacion #menstruation #period #periode
#Period cramps seem to have been getting stronger for me as of late. Granted, I take birth control for #PCOS, so it's technically withdrawal bleeding. But still, I notice they've been a bit more painful. I've mainly been chilling with some games on the #PS1 & #PS2. Been playing Silent Hill & SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom (in widescreen on real hardware!) for the first time.
#Period legislation trending. #CALeg requires a public school (grades 3 to 12) to stock the school’s restrooms with an adequate supply of free #menstrual products, in all women’s and all-gender restrooms and in at least one men’s restroom, at all times.
for sale: one (1) uterus
will accept anything from $5000 to three pints of water ice (cherry, blue raspberry, & mint choco chip [if u know u know])
#period #periodcramps #thisshithurts #owwie #cravingsbecrazy
#period #periodcramps #thisshithurts #owwie #cravingsbecrazy
Tiny faux organs could crack mystery of #menstruation
No one is entirely sure how/why—human body choreographs monthly dance of cellular birth, maturation, & death. Many people desperately need treatments to make #period more manageable, but it’s difficult for scientists to design #medications w/o understanding how menstruation works. Research is still very much in infancy. But #organoids have already provided insights into how endometrial cells communicate and coordinate
#Menstruation #period #medications #organoids
#Period #poverty: #Africanwomen priced out of #sanitary products
#period #poverty #africanwomen #sanitary
It's Molly McGee on the day she got her first period, and she crying (and being PMS) due the the cramps in her uterus being very painful for her. Scratch would later tell Pete, Sharon, and Libby that Molly finally got her period, and they would all give Molly some care and support.
#period #crying #Molly_McGee #the_ghost_and_molly_mcgee
#period #crying #Molly_mcGee #the_ghost_and_molly_mcgee
#period : more generally, an interval of time specified or left indefinite
- French: époque
- German: die Periode
- Italian: periodo
- Portuguese: período
- Spanish: periodo
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
Unglaublich interessanter Text.
Großer Respekt vor dieser Athletinnengeneration, die das Thema Menstruation endlich enttabuisiert:
#menstruationmatters #period #womenshealth #womeninsports
The #TamponTax was abolished in 2021, meaning #menstrual products such as #tampons and pads now have a zero rate of VAT. However, #PeriodUnderwear - a reusable alternative - are still taxed at 20%. This contributes to the continuing problem of #period poverty in the UK by making sustainable and cost-effective menstrual products less affordable.
For Brits / #UK residents, sign here to petition to have this addressed https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/635692
(hashtagged extensively for reach. Boost, please!)
#tampontax #menstrual #tampons #periodunderwear #period #uk
Stacy has the most painful period cramp ever. She bleeds so much that she instantly gets anemia. The pain was extreme enough to make her cry.
Her mom really needs to help her when she gets back from her job.
This is actually a redo of the original Stacy cramp submission I did on Pixiv 2 years ago, and that submission is also redone to the period verison to help it make sense.
#Stacy_Hirano #period #blood #Phineas_and_Ferb
#Stacy_hirano #period #blood #phineas_and_ferb
Took the kids to our local @WaterfordLibraries . I haven't been in a while due to sickness, college etc. But I was delighted to see that they'd a box of #period supplies for anyone who needs it #EndPeriodPoverty
I would like to see these EVERYWHERE and available to everyone who menstruates (ie put some in the men's too for trans men etc)
Isabella at age 13 gets her period while she's sitting bottomless on her bed. She pretty much says it all in this image.
#period #Phineas_and_Ferb #Isabella_Garcia_Shapiro
#period #phineas_and_ferb #Isabella_Garcia_Shapiro
Hey, if someone could just bring dinner and groceries directly to my door in my suburban #Seattle apartment building, that would be fantastic. A heating pad wouldn't hurt, either.
#seattle #sharkweek #auntflo #period
I'm not done with Charity Bazaar yet. How about a submission that about Charity getting her first period?
Her period cramps were quite painful, but she at least got plenty of comfy and cozy resting times on her bed, and the tampon really helped her.
#Charity_Bazaar #Histeria #period
More images are coming.
#charity_bazaar #histeria #period
『劇場版アイドリッシュセブン LIVE 4bit BEYOND THE PERiOD』 #七瀬陸 役の #小野賢章 さんへのインタビューを公開中❗️#アイナナ #ムビナナ #shorts https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1758491/voice-actor/
#4bit #LIVE #period #Shorts #Vlog #voiceactor #さんへのインタビューを公開中アイナナ #ムビナナ #七瀬陸 #劇場版アイドリッシュセブン #声優 #小野賢章 #役の #男性声優
#七瀬陸 #小野賢章 #アイナナ #ムビナナ #shorts #4Bit #live #period #vlog #voiceactor #さんへのインタビューを公開中アイナナ #劇場版アイドリッシュセブン #声優 #役の #男性声優
アイナナ七瀬陸役の小野賢章にインタビュー!『劇場版アイドリッシュセブン LIVE 4bit BEYOND THE PERiOD』 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1753631/voice-actor/
#4bit #LIVE #period #Vlog #voiceactor #アイナナ七瀬陸役の小野賢章にインタビュー劇場版アイドリッシュセブン #声優 #小野賢章 #男性声優
#4Bit #live #period #vlog #voiceactor #アイナナ七瀬陸役の小野賢章にインタビュー劇場版アイドリッシュセブン #声優 #小野賢章 #男性声優
@Ewan sadly health kit doesn’t have a headache/migraine parameter last I checked. But #MigraineBot can pull in #period data for people who menstruate. It’s displayed on the calendar to help with pattern recognition. On the jobs list is #medication logging though!
#migrainebot #period #medication