On August 8, 1991, Barton Fink premiered in Washington D.C.. Here’s a drawing of John Turturro to mark the occasion!
#BartonFink #BartonFink1991 #CoenBrothers #JohnTurturro #BlackComedy #Satire #NeoNoir #90sNeoNoir #CultMovies ##BlackAndWhiteArt #PeriodFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#bartonfink #bartonfink1991 #coenbrothers #johnturturro #blackcomedy #Satire #neonoir #90sneonoir #cultmovies #blackandwhiteart #periodfilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On August 8, 1991, Barton Fink premiered in Washington D.C.. Here’s a drawing of John Turturro to mark the occasion!
#BartonFink #BartonFink1991 #CoenBrothers #JohnTurturro #BlackComedy #Satire #NeoNoir #90sNeoNoir #CultMovies ##BlackAndWhiteArt #PeriodFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#bartonfink #bartonfink1991 #coenbrothers #johnturturro #blackcomedy #Satire #neonoir #90sneonoir #cultmovies #blackandwhiteart #periodfilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On May 28, 1992, Barton Fink debuted in Uruguay Here’s a drawing of John Turturro to mark the occasion!
#BartonFink #BartonFink1991 #CoenBrothers #JohnTurturro #BlackComedy #Satire #NeoNoir #90sNeoNoir #CultMovies ##BlackAndWhiteArt #PeriodFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#bartonfink #bartonfink1991 #coenbrothers #johnturturro #blackcomedy #Satire #neonoir #90sneonoir #cultmovies #blackandwhiteart #periodfilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On April 15, 2011, Barton Fink debuted on television in Poland. Here’s a drawing of John Turturro to mark the occasion!
#BartonFink #BartonFink1991 #CoenBrothers #JohnTurturro #BlackComedy #Satire #NeoNoir #90sNeoNoir #CultMovies ##BlackAndWhiteArt #PeriodFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#bartonfink #bartonfink1991 #coenbrothers #johnturturro #blackcomedy #Satire #neonoir #90sneonoir #cultmovies #blackandwhiteart #periodfilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On March 29, 1974, Badlands debuted in Los Angeles. Here’s a sketch of Sissy Spacek drawn on a Post-It Note!
#Badlands #TerrenceMalick #SissySpacek #CrimeDrama #PeriodFilm #NeoNoir #ThrillerFilm #TrueCrimeFilm #DramaFilm #RoadMovie #ChaseFilm #CrimeFilm #Art #TrashArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#badlands #terrencemalick #sissyspacek #crimedrama #periodfilm #neonoir #thrillerfilm #truecrimefilm #dramafilm #roadmovie #chasefilm #crimefilm #art #trashart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
FSP film club! This month’s online screening will be Ken McMullen’s 1871, a stylized pageant of the Paris Commune, which seized power 152 years ago this month.
A young actress becomes politically radicalized, France’s rulers plot against the rampant workers, and the great Mauritanian director Med Hondo plays Karl Marx, commenting on history as it happens.
You can watch it Sunday, March 12 at 8 PM ET / 5 PM PT — just RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1ixclPOQmnTMKNR9SNupKUtcZZ3d0E0CR1PZzZXFIxL4zFg/viewform
#periodFilm #ParisCommune #1871
On January 5, 1974 Badlands debuted in Brazil. Here’s a portrait of Martin Sheen on a receipt slip!
#Badlands #TerrenceMalick #MartinSheen #CrimeDrama #PeriodFilm #NeoNoir #ThrillerFilm #TrueCrimeFilm #DramaFilm #RoadMovie #ChaseFilm #CrimeFilm #Art #TrashArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#badlands #terrencemalick #martinsheen #crimedrama #periodfilm #neonoir #thrillerfilm #truecrimefilm #dramafilm #roadmovie #chasefilm #crimefilm #art #trashart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
On January 5, 1974 Badlands debuted in Brazil. Here’s a portrait of Martin Sheen on a receipt slip!
#Badlands #TerrenceMalick #MartinSheen #CrimeDrama #PeriodFilm #NeoNoir #ThrillerFilm #TrueCrimeFilm #DramaFilm #RoadMovie #ChaseFilm #CrimeFilm #Art #TrashArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#badlands #terrencemalick #martinsheen #crimedrama #periodfilm #neonoir #thrillerfilm #truecrimefilm #dramafilm #roadmovie #chasefilm #crimefilm #art #trashart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
Just watched House of Mirth last night myself. Guess great minds stream alike ...
First, it's gorgeous: every frame a painting. Fine performances by Gillian Anderson, Eric Stolz, & Anthony LaPaglia. Dan Ackroyd not so much. Laura Linney was, superbly, incandescently hateful.
The ending: who HASN’T considered suicide instead of a job? But I wished Lily shared the cheerful resilience of, say, Anne Elliot's friend Miss Smith.
#amstreaming #movies #periodfilm
Watching House of Mirth with Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz, et al. Based on an Edith Wharton novel of the same name. Wharton made her female protagonists sympathetic through their tragic circumstances and choices. Though they may not be rendered destitute, they may feel forced to trade love in for security, and acceptability.
#AmStreaming #Movies #Film #PeriodFilm #Novel #Victorian #EdithWharton
#EdithWharton #victorian #novel #periodfilm #film #movies #amstreaming