Global News BC: ‘You must always be on your period’: B.C. teacher suspended for insensitive comments #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Kelownahighschoolteacherreprimanded #BCCommissionerforTeacherRegulation #CentralOkanaganPublicSchools #consentresolutionagreement #BCteacherreprimanded #Kelownahighschool #centralokanagan #periodshaming #lewdgestures #Education #Okanagan #Kelowna
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kelownahighschoolteacherreprimanded #bccommissionerforteacherregulation #centralokanaganpublicschools #consentresolutionagreement #bcteacherreprimanded #kelownahighschool #centralokanagan #periodshaming #lewdgestures #education #okanagan #kelowna
end #PeriodShaming. maybe if more people with uteruses were "allowed" to discuss their experiences with #menstruation in public, we'd have better sanitary options than "stick a swab of non-biodegradable cotton stuffed with chemicals into your vaginal cavity and hope you don't develop a yeast infection or cancer?" maybe we'd have better pain management solutions than "pop some aspirin (which rarely helps) and muscle through it"? maybe if our predominantly male population of employment bosses were made more aware of how crippling cramps were, they'd have more sympathy when we need to take a "personal day" or two off per month, every month, for the majority of our lives?
Stop saying your aversion for hearing about the existence of periods is more important than our discomfort, inconvenience (which is putting it very mildly) and sometimes, agony. be part of the solution (don't belittle and discount our pain, don't accept "period taxes" to exist, work on developing solutions to safely end, pause or at least mitigate the harms of menstruation) or sit down and get out of our way.
At what age do you draw the line? #Defilement #Sex #sexualassault #childmarriage #childdevelopment #girls #GirlsAreChildren #endchildmarriage #endchildlabour #endchildabuse #PeriodShaming #Women #genderequality #genderjustice #LaceysHouse #Education #Rape #GBV #FGM
#defilement #sex #Sexualassault #childmarriage #childdevelopment #girls #girlsarechildren #endchildmarriage #endchildlabour #endchildabuse #periodshaming #women #genderequality #genderjustice #laceyshouse #Education #rape #GBV #FGM
#NEWS #Africa #Woman #Periods #periodsbelike #PeriodShaming #Africans #Ghana #Kenya #Politics #Woman #Girls #Education #Employment #Culture #Superstition #Bible #Religion #Inequality #GenderEquality #LaceysHouse #Nonprofit #NGO #LaceyHouseAfrica #LuxuryTax #SanitaryNapkins #menstruation #Humiliation #Men
#news #Africa #woman #periods #periodsbelike #periodshaming #africans #Ghana #Kenya #politics #girls #Education #employment #culture #superstition #bible #religion #inequality #genderequality #laceyshouse #NonProfit #ngo #laceyhouseafrica #luxurytax #sanitarynapkins #menstruation #humiliation #men