Blog Post from a Pipxar: Period Underwear? My thoughts on Modibodi #Blog #PeriodUnderwear #Disabled
#blog #periodunderwear #disabled
Blog Post from Pipxar: Period Underwear? My thoughts on Modibodi. #Blog #PeriodUnderwear
The #TamponTax was abolished in 2021, meaning #menstrual products such as #tampons and pads now have a zero rate of VAT. However, #PeriodUnderwear - a reusable alternative - are still taxed at 20%. This contributes to the continuing problem of #period poverty in the UK by making sustainable and cost-effective menstrual products less affordable.
For Brits / #UK residents, sign here to petition to have this addressed
(hashtagged extensively for reach. Boost, please!)
#tampontax #menstrual #tampons #periodunderwear #period #uk
new tiktok video: "period underwear doesn't work"
I've tried #thinkx, #thePeriodCompany, #bambody, and some nameless brand I found in a department store, and NONE of the #periodUnderwear I've tried for my #menstruation actually works. I hate adding so much #garbage and #waste to the #environment by using #disposable "feminine sanitary products" but if washable period underwear doesn't work, that doesn't leave me with many options. I'm scared to even try a #divaCup - - I don't see how they could possibly be reliable, or easy to put in. ah, if only we had more #femaleScientists in #STEM, I bet we would have come up with an easily accessbale, not-cancer-inducing method of stopping periods altogether until we actually want to get pregnant (but with the runaway fascism of republican legislators, we'll be lucky to have access to any form of birth control at all in ten years. welcome to Gilead 🙃)
#thinkx #theperiodcompany #bambody #periodunderwear #menstruation #garbage #waste #environment #disposable #divacup #femalescientists #stem
What to know about PFAS in period wear
It's a danger to us all, loud and clear
Thinx had to settle a suit
Raising questions about safety indeed, to boot
#periodunderwear #pfas #thinx #safety #poetry
#pfas #periodunderwear #thinx #safety #poetry